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Unit 02 electrostatics, electromagnetic field theory btech aktu

Unit 02 of the Btech AKTU curriculum digs into Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Field Theory. Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, Gauss’ law, electric potential, capacitance, and dielectric materials are all covered. Learn about charges, electric fields, and engineering applications.

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Important Questions For Electromagnetic Field Theory:
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. State and explain the Coulomb’s law. 

Ans. 1. Coulomb’s and law states that the force F between the two point charges Q1 and Q2 is directly proportional to the product of two charges and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them. Mathematically, 

State and explain the Coulomb's law

2. The constant of proportionality k is written as

State and explain the Coulomb's law

4. The vector form of Coulomb’s law is

State and explain the Coulomb's law
State and explain the Coulomb's law

Q2. Point charges 1 mC and -2 mC are located at (3, 2, – 1) and (- 1, – 1, 4), respectively. Calculate the electric force on a 10 nC charge located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field intensity at that point. 


electromagnetic field theory btech aktu

Q3. Derive an expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire. 

Ans.1. Let us consider a line charge with uniform charge density Pz extending from A to B along z-axis. The charge element dQ associated with element dl = dz of the line is

 expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire
 expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire
 expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire
 expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire
 expression for electric field intensity in space due to infinite length uniformly charged wire

Q4. State Gauss’s law. Deduce Maxwell’s equation from Gauss’s law. 

Ans. 1. According to Gauss’s law, the total charge enclosed by any closed surface equals the total electric flux y travelling through that surface. Thus,

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

2. Total flux passing through the entire closed surface is 

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

3. The term “Gaussian surface” refers to such a closed surface across which the integration in the equation is performed. 

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

4. For volume charge distribution  

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

5. By applying divergence theorem in eq. 

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

6. 6. Comparing the volume integrals in eq. we get

State Gauss's law. Deduce Maxwell's equation from Gauss's law

7. This is the first Maxwell’s equation. 

Q5. Derive energy density in electrostatic field. 


Derive energy density in electrostatic field
Derive energy density in electrostatic field
Derive energy density in electrostatic field
Derive energy density in electrostatic field

Q6. Discuss some properties of material.  


  • 1 Materials may be classified in terms of their conductivity o, in mho per meter (℧ /m) or Siemens per meter (S/m). 
  • 2. The conductivity of a material usually depends on temperature. 
  • 3. A material with high conductivity (σ>>1) is termed as metal whereas one with low conductivity (σ<< 1) is termed as insulator. 
  • 4. At temperatures near absolute zero (T = 0 K), some conductor exhibit infinite conductivity and are called as superconductors.
bachelor exam Question Paper with solution Study materials

Electromagnetic Field Theory Btech Quantum PDF, Syllabus, Important Questions

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Question paper – 2021-222021-22

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