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Explore the concepts of system dynamics, stability, and control design in the AKTU B.Tech Control System syllabus. Gain knowledge about the art of controlling and enhancing complex systems and processes.
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- Control System Concepts: Elements of control systems,
- Concept of open loop and closed loop systems,
- Examples and application of open loop and closed loop systems,
- Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems (Electro Mechanical),
- Determination of transfer function by block diagram reduction techniques and signal flow method using Mason’s gain formula,
- Basic Characteristics of negative feedback control systems.
- Control System Components: Constructional and working concept of AC & DC servomotor, synchro’s,
- Stepper motor and tachometer.
- Time Response Analysis: Standard test signals,
- Time response analysis of first and second order systems,
- Time response specifications of second order system for unit step input,
- Location of roots of characteristics equation and corresponding time response,
- Steady state errors and error constants.
- Basic modes of feedback control: Proportional,
- Derivative,
- Integral and PID controllers.
- Stability and Algebraic Criteria: Concept of stability and its necessary conditions,
- Routh-Hurwitz criteria and its limitations.
- Root Locus Technique: Salient features of root locus plot,
- Procedure for plotting root locus,
- Root contours.
- Frequency Response Analysis: Frequency Response analysis from transfer function model,
- Construction of polar and inverse polar plots.
- Stability in Frequency Domain: Nyquist stability criterion,
- Determination of gain and phase margin from Bode & Nyquist Plots,
- Correlation between time and Frequency Responses.
- Introduction to Design: The design problems and preliminary considerations of lead,
- Lag and lead-lag compensation networks,
- Design of closed loop systems using compensation techniques in time and frequency domains.
- State Space Technique: The concept of state & space,
- State-space model of physical system,
- Conversion of state-space to transfer function model and vice-versa,
- State transition matrix,
- Concept of controllability and observability and their testing.

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