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(Aktu Btech) Control System Important Unit-4 Frequency Response Analysis

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Important Questions For Control System:
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Q1. What do you understand by frequency response ? What are its various methods ? Discuss their advantages, disadvantages and limitations.

Ans. A. Frequency response: 

  • 1. The frequency response is the magnitude and phase relationship between a system’s sinusoidal input and steady-state output.
  • 2. Linear system with sinusoidal input 
What do you understand by frequency response ? What are its various methods ? Control System

B. Various methods of frequency response: 

1. Polar plots                                               2. Inverse polar plots 

3. Nyquist stability criterion                         4. Bode plot 

C. Advantages of frequency domain approach: 

  • 1. The frequency response of a stable open loop system can be obtained experimentally without knowing the transfer function.
  • 2. These methods are simple to apply for control design and determining absolute and relative system stability.
  • 3. Even with substantial nonlinearity, the system can be represented by an approximation transfer function.
  • 4. There is a close relationship between a system’s frequency response and its step response.

D. Disadvantages of frequency response: 

  • 1. The frequency test is difficult to perform for systems with very large time constants because the time necessary for the output to achieve steady-state for each frequency of the test signal is disproportionately long.
  • 2. Non-interruptible systems cannot be subjected to the frequency response test.

E. Limitations of frequency response methods : 

  • 1. These methods can be applied only to linear systems. 
  • 2. For an existing system, obtaining frequency response is possible only if the time constants are up to few minutes. 
  • 3. Obtaining frequency response practically is fairly time consuming. 

Q2. Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1

Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1


Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1 Control System
Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1 Aktu
Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1 Btech
Sketch the polar plot of the following function, also determine Gain Margin, Phase Margin, H(s) = 1 Aktu Btech

10. As GM and PM are positive, system is stable.

Q3. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function 

                                    G(s) = (1 + 4s)/s2 (s + 1) (2s + 1)


Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function Control System
Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function Aktu

6. Polar plot makes an intercept on the negative real axis at point X.

7. The intercept OX is calculate as given below :

Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function Btech

Equating imaginary part to zero

Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function Aktu Btech
Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function Control System Aktu Btech

Q4. Sketch Nyquist plot for G(s) H(s) = 6/s2 (s + 2) comment, on stability.

Ans. Given: G(s) H(s) = 6/s2(s +2) 

To Sketch: Nyquist plot. 

1. In frequency domain the given transfer function will become,

Sketch Nyquist plot for G(s) H(s) = 6/s2 (s + 2) comment, on stability.

2. Magnitude (M), 

Sketch Nyquist plot for G(s) H(s) = 6/s2 (s + 2) comment, on stability. Control System

                                      Z= 2 (Number of zeros on right-hand side) 

So the system is unstable because its value lies in the right half s-plane. 

Sketch Nyquist plot for G(s) H(s) = 6/s2 (s + 2) comment, on stability. Aktu Btech

Q5. Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system with open loop transfer function

Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system with open loop transfer function

and comment on stability. 


Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system with open loop transfer function Aktu Btech
Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system with open loop transfer function Control System
Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system with open loop transfer function Btech

Q6. The forward path transfer function of unity feedback control system is G(s) = 100/s(s + 6.45). Find the resonance peak Mr, resonant frequency ωr, and bandwidth of the closed loop system.


The forward path transfer function of unity feedback control system is G(s) = 100/s(s + 6.45). Control System
The forward path transfer function of unity feedback control system is G(s) = 100/s(s + 6.45). Aktu Btech
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