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Discover the AKTU B.Tech Power Plant Engineering syllabus, which delves into the principles of power generation, plant design, and energy conversion. Explore the world of efficient and sustainable power generation.
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- Introduction to Power Plants: Introduction to the sources of energy: conventional and non-conventional;
- Principal types of power plants;
- Present status and future trends;
- Carbon credits.
- Thermal Power Plant: General layout of modern thermal power plant,
- Review of Rankine and modified Rankine cycles,
- Power plant boilers in coding critical and super critical boilers.
- Fluidized bed boilers, boilers mountings and accessories.
- Feed water treatment and condenser and cooling towers and cooling ponds,
- Turbine auxiliary systems such as goveming, feed heating, reheating, flange heating and gland leakage.
- Operation and maintenance of steam power plant,
- Heat balance and efficiency,
- Site selection of a steam power plant.
- Hydroelectric Power Plant: Hydro-electric plant,
- General arrangement of hydroelectric power plant,
- Plant layout,
- Penstock and water hammer,
- Specific speed and capacity calculations,
- Classifícation of hydro-plant,
- Low-, medium and high head plants,
- Pumped storage plant,
- Run-off river power plant, Surge tanks.
- Gas turbine power plant: Layout of gas turbine power plant,
- Elements of gas turbine power plants,
- Gas turbine fuels, cogeneration,
- Auxiliary systems such as fuel,
- Controls and lubrication,
- Operation and maintenance,
- Combined cycle power plants,
- Site selection of gas turbine power plant,
- Integrated Gas fire based Combined Cycle (IGCC) systems.
- Controlling of air fuel ratio (AFR) in power plant.
- Nuclear Power Plants: Classification of nuclear reactors,
- Thermal fission reactors and power plant and their location,
- Pressurized water reactor,
- Boiling water reactor,
- CANDU heavy water reactor,
- Gas-cooled reactor,
- Fast breeder reactors,
- Organic substance cooled reactor,
- Reactor control,
- Radiation hazards,
- Radioactive waste disposal,
- Nuclear power generation in India.
- Solar Power Plant: Solar energy collectors,
- Photovoltaic power system,
- Solar central receiver system,
- Solar thermal energy,
- Types of solar thermal plant,
- Typical layout and components,
- Solar parabolic trough plants,
- Solar tower power plants, and solar dish power plants.
- Working principle of concentrating solar thermal power plant and their applications.
- Geothermal energy: Hydrothermal systems,
- Petro thermal systems,
- Hybrid geothermal fossil systems,
- Problems associated with geothermal conversion,
- Wind energy: Components of a wind generator,
- Horizontal and vertical axis wind mill,
- Aerodynamic considerations of wind mill design,
- Coefficient of performance of wind mill rotor,
- Availability of wind energy in India,
- Wind power by country.
- Tidal energy: The simple single pool tidal system,
- The modulated single pool tidal system,
- The two-poolidal system,
- Ocean thermal energy conversion,
- Principle of working,
- Ocean temperature differences,
- The open or Claude cycle,
- The closed or Anderson OTEC cycle,
- Electricity generation from Fuel cells and city garbage.
- Electrical system: Introduction to generator and exciters,
- Earthing of power systems,
- Power and unit transformer,
- Circuit breakers,
- Protective equipment,
- Switch gear.
- Power Plant Economics: Types of loads,
- Effect of variable load on power plant design and operation,
- Methods to meet variable load,
- Prediction of future loads,
- Terminology used in power supply,
- Cost of electrical energy,
- Depreciation, Energy rates (tarifs) for electrical energy,
- Factors affecting economics of generation and distribution of power.
- Environmental Aspects of Power Station: Environmental aspects,
- Different pollutants due to thermal power plant and their effect on human health,
- Thermal pollution of water and its control,
- Effluents from power plants and impact on environment,
- Radiation from nuclear power plant effluents,
- Methods of pollution mitigation and control.

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