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Unit 02 DIODE APPLICATION, Electronic Engineering Qs & Solutions AKTU

Prepare yourself for your Electronic engineering exams with crucial questions and answers from Unit 1: Semiconductor Diodes for AKTU students. For evaluate success, improve your knowledge of diode characteristics, rectifiers, and other topics.

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Important Questions For Electronic Engineering:
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. For the circuit shown in Fig., determine I1 I2, I3, I4, VO

the circuit shown in Fig., determine I1 I2, I3, I4, VO


the circuit shown in Fig., determine I1 I2, I3, I4, VO
the circuit shown in Fig., determine I1 I2, I3, I4, VO

Q2. Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode. 

Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode


Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode
Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode
Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode
Sketch VO, VDC for the network of Fig., and determine the peak inverse voltage of each diode

Peak inverse voltage of each diode = Vm = 100 V

Q3. Determine VO and the required PIV rating of each diode for the configuration of Fig.

Determine VO and the required PIV rating of each diode for the configuration of Fig


Determine VO and the required PIV rating of each diode for the configuration of Fig

Q4. Explain the function of the circuit of Fig. and draw the output waveform. 

Explain the function of the circuit of Fig. and draw the output waveform

Ans. 1. During positive half cycle 

Explain the function of the circuit of Fig. and draw the output waveform

Q5. Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms, given in F. (a) and (b): 

 waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms

Ans. For Fig. (a),

During negative cycle of input :

1. Diode will be ON, capacitor starts charging with polarity as shown in Fig. 

Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms

2. The diode will act as short circuit, therefore

                                       VO =0 and VC= +10 V 

During positive half cycle : 

Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms
Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms

Output waveform of Fig. (b): 

Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms

2. During entire negative half cycle, diode will be reverse biased. Therefore 

Draw the output waveform for the following circuits for the input waveforms

Q6. What is voltage multiplier using p-n junction diode ? Explain the operation of voltage doublers. 


  • 1. The term “voltage multiplier” refers to a circuit that uses a rectifier circuit to produce a higher DC output voltage than AC input voltage. 
  • 2. The output of voltage doubler is twice the peak input voltage. 
  • 3. There are two types of voltage doubler circuits: 

i. Half wave voltage doubler: The circuit diagram is shown in Fig.

 Half wave voltage doubler
  • 1. During positive half-cycle of the input voltage, diode D1 is forward biased (ON) and diode D2 is reverse biased (OFF). Capacitor C1 charges to the peak value of secondary voltage Vm with polarity.
  • 2. During negative half-cycle, diode D2 is ON while diode D1 is OFF. Capacitor C2 is charged upto a voltage i.e., the sum of peak-supply voltage and the voltage across C1.
  • 3. During positive half-cycle: VC1 = Vm   
What is voltage multiplier using p-n junction diode ? Explain the operation of voltage doublers
What is voltage multiplier using p-n junction diode ? Explain the operation of voltage doublers

ii. Full wave voltage doubler : The circuit diagram is shown in Fig.

What is voltage multiplier using p-n junction diode ? Explain the operation of voltage doublers

                                            VC1 = Vm

2. During negative half cycle, D1 is OFF and D2 is ON. Capacitor C2 is charged to peak value Vm. Thus output voltage with no load connected : 

                                              VO = VC1 + VC2                                                VO = 2Vm

AKTU Quantums Pdf Important Notes 2023

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