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Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Discrete Structure Unit 5 Btech TREES, GRAPHICS, AND COMBINATORICS Tree topologies, graph theory, algorithms, counting principles, permutations, combinations, and binomial coefficients are all investigated by AKTU. Learn about their importance in computer science and network analysis.

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Important Questions For Discrete Structures and Theory of Logics:
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. Explain the following terms: 

  • i. Tree 
  • ii. Forest 
  • iii. Binary tree 
  • iv. Complete binary tree 
  • v. Full binary tree 


i. Tree: 

  • 1. A tree is a connected graph that contains no cycle or circuit. It is a simple graph having no self loop or parallel edges. 
  • 2. A tree contains a finite set of elements which are called vertices or nodes. The vertex can have minimum degree 1 and maximum degree n. 
  • 3. The number of vertices in a tree is called order of tree. 
  • 4. A tree with only one vertex is called trivial or degenerate or empty tree. 
Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

ii. Forest: A forest is a collection of disjoint tree. It is an undirected, disconnected, acyclic graph.

Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

iii. Binary tree: 

  • 1. Binary tree is the tree in which the degree of every node is less than or equal to 
  • 2. A tree consisting of no nodes is also a binary tree. 

iv. Complete binary tree: A binary tree is said to be complete binary tree if all its levels, except the last, have maximum number of possible nodes (i.e., 2), and if all the nodes at the last level appear as far left as possible. 

Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

It is represented as Tn where n is number of nodes. 

v. Full binary tree: A binary tree is said to be extended or full binary tree if each node has either 0 or 2 children. 

Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Q2. Explain in detail about the binary tree traversal with an example.  

Ans. Tree traversal: A traversal of tree is a process in which each vertex is visited exactly once in a certain manner. For a binary tree we have three types of traversal : 

1. Preorder traversal : Each vertex is visited in the following order : 

  • a Visit the root (N). 
  • b. Visit the left child (or subtree) of root (L). 
  • c. Visit the right child (or subtree) of root (R).  

2 Postorder traversal: 

  • a. Visit the left child (subtree) of root. . 
  • b. Visit the right child (subtree) of root. 
  • c. Visit the root. 

3. Inorder traversal: 

  • a. Visit the left child (subtree) of root. 
  • b. Visit the root. 
  • c. Visit the right child (subtree) of root 

A binary tree with 12 vertices: 

A binary tree with 12 vertices:  Unit 5 TREES, GRAPHS & COMBINATORICS, Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Q3. Define a binary tree. A binary tree has 11 nodes. It’s inorder and preorder traversals node sequences are: 

Preorder :A B D H I E J L C F G 

Inorder: H D I B J E K A F C G G 

Draw the tree.  

Ans. Binary Tree:

  • 1. Binary tree is the tree in which the degree of every node is less than or equal to 
  • 2. A tree consisting of no nodes is also a binary tree.


Step 1: n preorder sequence, leftmost element is the root of the tree. By searchingA in ‘Inorder Sequence’ we can find out all the elements on the left and right sides of ‘A’. 

Define a binary tree. A binary tree has 11 nodes. It's inorder and preorder traversals node sequences are

Step 2: We recursively follow the above steps and we get 

Define a binary tree. A binary tree has 11 nodes. It's inorder and preorder traversals node sequences are

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  


Postorder : BEHFACDGI 

Determine the tree T and it’s Preorder. 

Ans. The root of tree is I.  

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  

Now elements on right ofI are D, G, C and G comes last of all in postorder traversal.  

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  

Now D and C are on right of G and D comes last of G and I postorder traversal so 

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  

Now element left ofI are H FEA B in inorder traversal and A comes last of all in postorder traversal. Therefore tree will be  

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  

Now H F E are on left of A in inorder traversal and B comes last of all and continuing in same manner. We will get final binary tree as 

Q4. Given the inorder and postorder traversal of a tree T:  

Preorder traversal of above binary tree is CAFHEBDGI 

Q5. Draw a binary search tree by inserting following integers 55, 20, 63, 10, 28, 60, 93, 5, 11, 40, 68, 25.  


Draw a binary search tree by inserting
Draw a binary search tree by inserting

Q6. Write a short note on graph coloring  

  • Ans.
    1. Suppose that G (V, E) is a graph with no multiple edges, a vertex colouring of G is an assignment of colours. 
  • 2. A graph G is m-colourable if there exists a colouring of G which uses m colours. 
  • 3. Proper colouring refers to colouring the vertices so that no two adjacent vertices have the same colour. Improper colouring refers to colouring the vertices in any other way.
AKTU Quantums Pdf Important Notes 2023

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