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Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Unit 3 of Discrete Structure for Btech AKTU’s “LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA” investigates lattices, Boolean algebra, and its applications, including lattice theory, operations, and logic circuits.

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Important Questions For Discrete Structures and Theory of Logics:
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. Explain types of lattice.
Ans. Types of lattice: 

1. Bounded lattice: A lattice L is said to be bounded if it has a greatest element 1 and a least element 0. In such lattice we have  

Explain types of lattice :Bounded lattice

2. Complemented lattice: Let L be a bounded lattice with greatest element l and least element 0. Let a ∈ L then an element a’ ∈ L is complement of a if,  

Complemented lattice

A lattice L is called complemented if is bounded and if every element in L has a complement. 

3. Distributive lattice: A lattice L is said to be distributive if for any element a, b and c of L following properties are satisfied :

Distributive lattice

otherwise L is non-distributive lattice. 

4. Complete lattice: A lattice L is called complete if each of its nonempty subsets has a least upper bound and greatest lower bound. 

For example: 

Complete lattice and modular lattice

Q2. If the lattice is represented by the Hasse diagram given below: 

  • i. Find all the complements of ‘e’. 
  • ii. Prove that the given lattice is bounded complemented lattice. 
the lattice is represented by the Hasse diagram given below

Ans. i. Complements of e are c and d which are as follows:  

the lattice is represented by the Hasse diagram given below

ii. A lattice is bounded if it has greatest and least elements. Here b is greatest and f is least element. 

Q3. Let L be a bounded distributed lattice, prove if a complement exists, it is unique. Is D12 a complemented lattice ? Draw the Hasse diagram of [P (a,b,c), ≤ ] (Note: ‘≤’ stands for subset). Find greatest element, least element, minimal element and maximal element. 


Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Q4. The directed graph G for a relation R on set A = {1,2,3, 4) is shown below :  

Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

i. Verify that (A, R) is a poset and find its Hasse diagram. 

ii. Is this a lattice ? 

iii. How many more edges are needed in the Fig. to extend (A, R) to a total order? 

iv. What are the maximal and minimal elements ?


Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU
Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

Q5. a. Prove that every finite subset of a lattice has an LUB and a GLB. 

b. Give an example of a lattice which is a modular but not a distributive. 

Ans. a. 1. The theorem is true if the subset has 1 element, the element being its own glb and lub. 

2. It is also true if the subset has 2 elements. 

3. Suppose the theorem holds for all subsets containing 1, 2, .., k elements, so that a subset a, G2, .., G of L has a glb and a lub. 

4. If L contains more than k elements, consider the subset  

Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

12. IfL is finite and contains m elements, the induction process stops when k +1 =m. 

b. 1. The diamond is modular, but not distributive. 

2. Obviously the pentagon cannot be embedded in it.

3. The diamond is not distributive: 

Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU

4. Each sublattice of a distributive lattice is a separate distributive lattice, and the distributive lattices are closed under them.

5. The lattice is not distributive if the diamond can be embedded in it because it has a sublattice that is not distributive.

Q6. Show that the inclusion relation ⊆ is a partial ordering on the power set of a set S. Draw the Hasse diagram for inclusion on the set P(S), whereS= {a, b, c, d}. Also determine whether (P(S), ⊆) is a lattice. 


Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU
Unit 3 LATTICES & BOOLEAN ALGEBRA in Discrete Structure Btech AKTU
bachelor exam preparation all question paper with solution important questions with solution

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