Table Of Contents
Explore the concepts of structural steel design, analysis, and construction with the AKTU B.Tech syllabus on Design of Steel Structures. Learn how to build sturdy, resilient steel buildings.
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- General Considerations: Introduction
- Advantages of Steel as a Structural Material
- Disadvantages of Steel as a Structural Material
- Structural Steel
- Stress Strain Curve for Mild Steel
- Rolled Steel Sections
- Convention for Member Axes, Loads
- Dead Load
- Live Loads
- Environmental Loads
- Seismic Forces
- Snow & Rain Loads
- Erection Loads
- Basis for Design
- Design Philosophies
- Local Buckling of Plate Elements
- Introduction to Limit State Design: Introduction
- Limit States for Steel Design
- Limit States of Strength
- Limit States of Serviceability
- Actions (Loads)
- Probabilistic Basis for Design
- Design Criteria.
- Simple Connections-Riveted
- Bolted and Pinned Connections:Introduction
- Riveted Connections
- Patterns of Riveted Joints
- Bolted Connection
- Types of Bolts
- Types of Bolted Joints
- Load Transfer Mechanism
- Failure of Bolted Joints
- Specification for Bolted Joints
- Bearing-Type Connections
- Prying Action
- Tensile Strength of Plate
- Efficiency of the Joint
- Combined Shear and Tension
- Slip Critical Connections
- Combined Shear and Tension for Slip-Critical Connections
- Working Load Design
- Design of eccentric bolted connections
- Simple Welded Connections: Introduction
- Types, Symbols, Welding Process, Weld Defects, Inspection of Welds
- Assumptions in the Analysis of Welded Joints
- Design of Groove Welds, Design of Fillet Welds
- Fillet Weld Applied to the Edge of A Plate Or Section
- Fillet Weld for Truss Members
- Design of Intermittent Fillet Welds
- Plug and Slot Welds
- Stresses Due To Individual Forces
- Combination of Stresses
- Failure of Welds
- Distortion of Welded Parts
- Fillet Weld Vs Butt Weld
- Welded Jointed Vs Bolted and Riveted Joints
- Design of eccentric welded connections
- Working Load Design.
- Introduction
- Types of Tension Members
- Net Sectional Area, Effective Net Area
- Types of Failure
- Design Strength of Tension Members
- Slenderness Ratio (𝛌)
- Displacement
- Design of Tension Member
- Lug Angles, Splices
- Gusset Plate
- Working Load Design.
- Introduction
- Effective Length
- Slenderness Ratio (𝛌)
- Types of Sections
- Types of Buckling
- Classification of Cross Sections
- Column Formula
- Design Strength
- Design of Axially Loaded Compression Members
- Built-Up Columns (Latticed Columns)
- Lacing
- Batten
- Compression Member Composed of Two Components Back-to-Back
- Splices
- Design of Column Bases.
- Introduction
- Types of Sections
- Behavior of Beam in Flexure
- Section Classification
- Lateral Stability of Beams
- Lateral-Torsional Buckling
- Bending Strength of Beams
- Laterally Supported Beams
- Laterally Unsupported Beams
- Shear Strength of Beams
- Web Buckling, Bearing Strength
- Web Crippling, Deflection
- Design Procedure of Rolled Beams
- Built-Up Beams (Plated Beams)
- Purlins
- Beam Bearing Plates
- Effect of Holes in Beam
- Introduction to Plate Girder
- Introduction to Gantry Girder.

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