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Math 4 Unit- 5 Statistical Techniques III, Btech AKTU

Unit 5 of Math 4 in Btech AKTU is Statistical Techniques III. This section covers probability distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. Students will learn about various statistical methodologies and how to use them in real-world situations. The program also includes practical workshops to provide students hands-on experience using statistical tools.

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Important Questions For Math 4 (Mathematics 4):
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. In a city A, 20 of a random sample of 900 school boys had a certain slight physical defect. In another city B, 18.5% of a random sample of 1600 school boys had the same defect. Is the difference between the proportions significant ? 


 In a city A, 20 of a random sample of 900 school boys had a certain slight physical defect. In another city B, 18.5% of a random sample of 1600 school boys had the same defect. Is the difference between the proportions significant
 In a city A, 20 of a random sample of 900 school boys had a certain slight physical defect. In another city B, 18.5% of a random sample of 1600 school boys had the same defect. Is the difference between the proportions significant

Q2. Explain the test of significance of difference of means. 


Explain the test of significance of difference of means.

Q3. The scores of 10 candidates obtained in tests before and after attending some coaching classes are given below :


Is the coaching for the test effective? Test at 5% level of significance. 


The scores of 10 candidates obtained in tests before and after attending some coaching classes are given below

Q4.  By using find out whether there is any association between income level and type of schooling: 

Social Status HealthPoorRichTotal
Below Normal13020150
Above Normal2496120


Let us suppose the null hypothesis is that there is no association between income level and type of schooling 

The expected frequencies are 

By using find out whether there is any association between income level and type of schooling
By using find out whether there is any association between income level and type of schooling

Q5. It is desired to compare three hospitals with regards to the number of deaths per month. A sample of death records were selected from the records of each hospital and the number of deaths was as given below. From these data, suggest a difference in the number of the deaths per months among three hospitals : 



It is desired to compare three hospitals with regards to the number of deaths per month. A sample of death records were selected from the records of each hospital and the number of deaths was as given below
It is desired to compare three hospitals with regards to the number of deaths per month. A sample of death records were selected from the records of each hospital and the number of deaths was as given below
bachelor exam preparation all question paper with solution important questions with solution

Math 4 Btech Quantum PDF, Syllabus, Important Questions

Subject SyllabusSyllabus
Short QuestionsShort-question
Important Unit-1Unit-1
Important Unit-2Unit-2
Important Unit-3Unit-3
Important Unit-4Unit-4
Important Unit-5Unit-5
Question paper – 2021-222021-22

Math 4 Quantum PDF | AKTU Quantum PDF:

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Quantum -2022-232022-23

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