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Btech Unit 01 Partial Differential UNIT Equations in Math 4 AKTU

Unit 01 of Math 4 AKTU covers the topic of Partial Differential Equations. This section covers the fundamental ideas of partial differential equations, classifications, and solution approaches. The course also includes examples and applications of partial differential equations in engineering and science.

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Important Questions For Math 4 (Mathematics 4):
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1: Form partial differential equations of the equations by eliminating the arbitrary constants   z = ax + by + ab 


Form partial differential equations of the equations by eliminating the arbitrary constants

Q2.  solve the following differential equations:  (x2– yz)p +(y2– zx)q =z2-xy. 


solve the following differential equations

Q3. Solve (p+)y = qz. 


f(x, y, z, p, q) = (p2 + q2)y -qz = 0

Charpit’s subsidiary equations are 

Solve (p+)y = qz. 

Q4 Solve the linear partial differential equation 

Solve the linear partial differential equation 


Solve the linear partial differential equation 
Solve the linear partial differential equation 

Q5. Solve r-4s+ 4t = e2x=y.


Solve r-4s+ 4t = e2x=y.

Q6. Solve the linear partial differential equation 

 Solve the linear partial differential equation 


 Solve the linear partial differential equation 
 Solve the linear partial differential equation 

Q7. Solve the linear partial differential equation

Solve the linear partial differential equation


Solve the linear partial differential equation
Solve the linear partial differential equation
bachelor exam preparation all question paper with solution important questions with solution

Math 4 Btech Quantum PDF, Syllabus, Important Questions

Subject SyllabusSyllabus
Short QuestionsShort-question
Important Unit-1Unit-1
Important Unit-2Unit-2
Important Unit-3Unit-3
Important Unit-4Unit-4
Important Unit-5Unit-5
Question paper – 2021-222021-22

Math 4 Quantum PDF | AKTU Quantum PDF:

Quantum SeriesLinks
Quantum -2022-232022-23

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