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Explore the concepts of Heat and Mass Transfer methods, including conduction, convection, and radiation, as well as the transmission of mass in various systems, by diving into the AKTU B.Tech syllabus on Heat and Mass Transfer.
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- Introduction to Heat Transfer: Introduction of thermodynamics and Heat Transfer,
- Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection and radiation,
- Effect of temperature on thermal conductivity of different types of materials,
- Introduction to combined heat transfer mechanism,
- General differential heat conduction equation in the rectangular,
- Cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems,
- Initial and system boundary conditions.
- Steady State one-dimensional Heat conduction: Simple and Composite Systems in rectangular,
- Cylindrical and spherical coordinates with and without energy generation,
- Concept of thermal resistance,
- Analogy between heat and electricity flow,
- Thermal contact resistance and over-all heat transfer coefficient,
- Critical radius of insulation for cylindrical & spherical bodies.
- Fins: Heat transfer through extended surfaces & its classification,
- Fins of uniform cross sectional area,
- Error in measurement of temperature of thermometer wells.
- Transient Conduction Transient heat conduction,
- Lumped capacitance method,
- Time constant,
- Unsteady state heat conduction one dimension only,
- Heisler charts & their applications.
- Forced Convection: Basic concepts: Hydrodynamic boundary layer,
- Thermal boundary layer,
- Approximate integral boundary layer analysis,
- Analogy between momentum and heat transfer in turbulent flow over a flat surface,
- Mixed boundary layer,
- Flow over a flat plate,
- Flow across a single cylinder and a sphere,
- Flow inside ducts,
- Themalentrance region, empirical heat transfer relations,
- Relation between fluid friction and heat transfer,
- Liquid metal heat transfer. Natural Convection: Physical mechanism of natural convection,
- Buoyant force,
- Empirical heat transfer relations for natural convection over vertical planes and cylinders, horizontal plates, cylinders and sphere, combined free & forced convection,
- Effect of turbulence.
- Basic concepts of radiation,
- Radiation properties of surfaces,
- Black body radiation Planck’s law,
- Wein’s displacement law,
- Stefan-Boltzmann law,
- Kirchhoff’s law,
- Gray body,
- Shape factor,
- Black-body radiation,
- Radiation exchange between diffuse non-black bodies in an enclosure,
- Radiation shields,
- Radiation combined with conduction & convection;
- Absorption & emission in gaseous medium;
- Solar radiation;
- Greenhouse effect,
- Radiation network analysis.
- Different types of heat exchangers,
- Fouling factors,
- Overall heat transfer coefficient,
- Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) method,
- Effectiveness-number of transfer unit (NTU) method & Compact Heat Exchangers.
- Condensation & Boiling: Introduction of condensation phenomena,
- Heat transfer relations for laminar film condensation on vertical surfaces & on outside & inside of a horizontal tube,
- Effect of non condensable gases,
- Drop wise condensation, Heat pipes,
- Boiling modes, pool boiling,
- Hysteresis in boiling curve,
- Forced convection boiling.
- Introduction to Mass Transfer: Introduction of Fick’s law of diffusion,
- Steady state equimolar counter diffusion,
- Steady state diffusion through a stagnant gas film,
- Heat & Mass Transfer Analogy-Convective Mass Transfer Correlations.

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