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Discover the AKTU B.Tech HVAC Systems syllabus, which delves into the principles of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Discover the art of keeping indoor settings comfortable and energy-efficient.
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- Advanced Vapour Compression Cycles: Review of vapour compression cycle,
- Effect of superheating,
- Subcooling,
- Condenser pressure and evaporator pressure on COP,
- Transcritical cycle,
- Ejector refrigeration cycle.
- Presentation of cycle on P-h and T-s chart.
- Refrigerants: Classification of Refrigerants,
- CFC, HFC, HCFC, Azeotropic, Zeotropic,
- Natural refrigerant,
- Secondary Refrigerant,
- Anti-freeze solution,
- Phase Changing Materials.
- Desired properties of refrigerants,
- Requirements for refrigerant,
- Classification based on safety,
- Refrigerant oils and applications,
- Properties and uses of commonly used refrigerant,
- Greenhouse effect,
- Global warming,
- Future Refrigerants like Hydrofluoro-Olefines.
- Review of Psychrometry: Psychrometric properties,
- Psychrometric chart and Psychrometric processes,
- Psychrometric process in Air conditioning equipment By pass factor,
- Cooling and dehumidifying coils,
- Apparatus dew point (ADP),
- Heating coils,
- Air washer,
- Use of hygroscopic solution in Air Washer,
- Adiabatic dehumidifier,
- Water injection, stream injection, Summer Air conditioning, Winter Air conditioning,
- Sensible heat factor (SHF),
- Grand Sensible heat factor (GSHF).
- Design Condition: Choice of inside design condition- cold storage,
- Industrial air conditioning,
- Comfort air conditioning,
- Human comfort,
- Outside design condition.
- HeatPump: Introduction,
- Package heat pump with reversible cycle,
- Decentralized heat pump,
- Heat pump with a double bundle condenser,
- Industrial heat pump.
- Ventilation: Introduction,
- Purpose of ventilation,
- Natural ventilation,
- Mechanical ventilation, tunnels ventilation, mine ventilation, Natural ventilation, and mechanical ventilation.
- Air Conditioning system: Introduction, Unitary system,
- Central air conditioning system,
- Directs expansion system,
- All water system, all air system, air water system.
- Solar radiation,
- Heatgain through glass
- Calculation of solar heat gain through ordinary glass tables-shading devices
- Effect of shading devices.
- Fabric heat gain,
- Over all heat transfer coefficient,
- Periodic heat transfer through walls and roofs.
- Empirical methods to calculate heat transfer through walls and roofs using decrement factor and time lag method.
- Infiltration -stack effect, wind effect, infiltration load.
- Internal heat loads,
- System heat gains,
- Break-up of ventilation and effective sensible heat factor,
- Cooling and heating load estimation,
- Psychrometric calculation for cooling,
- Selection of air conditioning apparatus,
- Evaporative cooling,
- Building requirements and energy conservation in air conditioning buildings.
- Air Distribution: Room air distribution
- Types of supply air outlets,
- Mechanism of flow through outlets,
- Selection and location of outlets,
- Distribution patterns of outlets – ducts
- Definition and types
- Materials for ducts and its specification,
- Friction loss in ducts – grills, diffusers, registers,
- Rectangular equivalent of circular duct.
- Air duct designs, duct construction, duct design procedures.
- Equal friction method,
- Static regain method,
- Velocity reduction method.
- Air Conditioning Apparatus: Fans and blowers,
- Types of fans, fan characteristic, centrifugal fans, axial fans, fan arrangements, Suction Line, Discharge Line (Hot-Gas Line), Liquid Line, location and arrangement of piping, vibration and noise in piping, basic elements of the control system.

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