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UNIT 02 MSI Devices | Digital System Design Important Questions AKTU

In this Blog, we are talking for Important questions in UNIT 02 MSI Devices | Digital System Design Important Questions AKTU Hope This Blog will help you in your upcoming exams.

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Important Questions For Digital System Design: 
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22  

Que 1. Design and explain the logic and circuit of a 4-bit magnitude comparator. 
| OR |
Design a 4-bit magnitude comparator using one bit comparator modules.
| OR |
Draw and explain the 4-bit magnitude comparator.

Draw and explain the 4-bit magnitude comparator

4-bit magnitude comparator using logic gates.

Que 2. Design the following boolean function using a 4 x 1 multiplexer. P(A, B, C, D) = Σm(0, 1,3,4, 8, 9, 15)

Design the following boolean function using a 4 x 1 multiplexer

Que 3. Using a decoder and external gates, design the combinational circuit defined by the following three boolean functions:

Using a decoder and external gates, design the combinational circuit defined by the following three boolean functions
Using a decoder and external gates, design the combinational circuit defined by the following three boolean functions

Que 4.Draw the logic diagram of a two to four line decoder using NOR gates only. 

Draw the logic diagram of a two to four line decoder using NOR gates only

Que 5.Describe half adder and full adder in brief. Implement the circuit using logic gates.
| OR |
Design a full adder using two half adders.

Describe half adder and full adder in brief. Implement the circuit using logic gates
Describe half adder and full adder in brief. Implement the circuit using logic gates

Full adder circuit using 2 half adder

Que 6. Draw a BCD adder circuit and explain its working.
| OR | Draw a decimal adder to add BCD number.


1. A BCD adder is a circuit that produces a Bum digit that is also a BCD digit by adding two BCD digits simultaneously. 10 symbols make up BCD numerals (group of 4 bits 0000 to 1001). The following is what a BCD adder circuit must be able to achieve, and it is depicted in Fig. 

2.Add two 4-bit BCD numbers using straight binary addition.

3. If a 4-bit total is 9 or less, it is a valid BCD number and doesn’t require rectification.

4. The 4-bit total is an invalid BCD number if it exceeds 9 or if a carry is produced from it. The final step is to add the digit 6 (0110)2 to the total to create the correct BCD symbols.

Draw a BCD adder circuit and explain its working

Block diagram of a BCD adder

Draw a BCD adder circuit and explain its working
digital system design important question with solution AKTU

Digital System Design Quantum, Syllabus, Important Questions

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