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Guys 🤔.. You desire additional relevant information on the same. Don't forget to read this as well. Important Questions For Universal Human Values : *Unit-01 *Unit-02 *Unit-03 *Unit-04 *Unit-05 *Short-Q/Ans *Question-Paper with solution 21-22
Short Questions for Universal Human Values
a. Describe the two domains of education.
Ans. Two domains of education are:
1. Moral domain: It proposed that individuals acquire moral concepts about fairness, other welfare, and their own rights during childhood and adolescence.
2. Social domain: It proposed that individuals construct moral concepts from social interactions that promote welfare or justice.
b. How values and ethics are related?
Ans. Together, ethics and values lay the groundwork for long-term viability. Whereas ethics are the set of rules that govern a person’s behavior that is established by a group or culture, values are broad preferences regarding appropriate courses of action or outcomes.
c. What are the four levels of living?
Ans. The four levels of our living are:
- Living in myself.
- Living in the family.
- Living in society.
- Living in nature/existence.
d. How is the response of the body definite?
Ans. The body is a collection of “self-organized activities” that take place with self consent but without my active participation.These are functions like:
- Nourishment
- Breathing
- Heart beat
- Blood flow
- Digesting
e. What are the different types of disrespect?
Ans. Respect means “right evaluation,” which means being evaluated as I am. Usually, however, we make mistakes in our evaluation in the following three ways:
- Over evaluation (abhi-mulyana)
- Under evaluation (ava-mulyana)
- Otherwise evaluation (a-mulyana)
f. What are the foundation value and complete value of the relationship?
Ans. 1. Foundation value: The foundation value in all relationships is trust. It is extremely important. Trust is built through our own actions, value systems, and responses.
2. Complete value: Love is the feeling of being connected to everything. This feeling or value is also known as the complete value because it represents a sense of belonging to all humans.
g. List out four orders in nature.
Ans. These are:
- Material order
- Plant/Bio order
- Animal order
- Human order
h. How processes in nature are cyclic?
Ans. In nature, we can see a number of cyclical processes. The cycle of water, for example, evaporating, condensing, and precipitating back to water produces weather phenomena. The cycle ensures that these materials are self-regulating on the planet.
i. List out five dimensions of the human order.
Ans. The five dimensions of human order are:
- Education: Right living (Siksha – Sanskar)
- Health: Self-regulation (Swasthya – Sanyam)
- Justice: Preservation (Nyay – Suraksha)
- Production: Work (Utpadan – Karya)
- Exchange: Storage (Vinimya – Kosh)
j. What is the outcome of harmony with the whole of nature/existence?
Ans. All issues are resolved by natural harmony with trees, including reduced wind speed, energy savings, companion planting, the creation of an eco-subsystem for creating a forest garden and decreased building heat.
Important Long Questions | Last year Long Question Universal Human Values
a. Describe the process of value education.
Ans. Process of Value Education:
- The process of value education must be one of self-exploration rather than preaching or telling dos and don’ts.
- Whatever is discovered as truth or reality may be stated as a proposal and must be independently verified.
- It is the process of dialogue between ‘What you are’ and ‘What you really want to be’.
- It is a process of becoming aware of oneself and, as a result, of one’s entire existence.
- It is the process of recognizing and fulfilling one’s relationship with every unit in existence.
- This process of self-exploration assists you in finding harmony within yourself and with everything around you.
b. Explain with examples the definite and indefinite response of the self.
Ans. 1. When it comes to self (‘I’), which is a conscious entity, there is also the activity of assuming and of knowing, in addition to ‘recognizing and fulfilling’.
2. In fact, recognizing and fulfilling in case of human beings will depend upon knowing and/or assuming.
- We make assumptions: We all make assumptions, and our responses (recognition and fulfillment) are based on those assumptions. For example, if I see a snake and mistake it for a rope, I will react differently than if I mistake it for a snake. This is referred to as assuming.
- We recognize: Today, we all recognize things, and we recognize a wide range of things. We recognize water, our parents, our friends, and so on. This is referred to as recognizing. The recognizing in ‘I’ is contingent on assuming.
- We fulfill: The activity of ‘fulfilling’ refers to the response that occurs after recognition. Recognition is necessary for fulfillment. For instance, once we identify water, we take it. Taken together we can write it as (in I): Assuming → Recognizing → Fulfilling
3. We also have another activity within us (in I). This is referred to as ‘knowing’.
4. Knowing implies that we have the correct understanding – an understanding of harmony at all levels of our existence.
5. When we have the correct understanding, when we have knowledge of reality, it becomes definite, and assuming becomes according to the knowledge, and thus recognizing and fulfilling becomes definite, or according to knowledge.
c. What is the role of the physical facility in the fulfillment of relationships?
- Ans. Happiness can be defined as being at ease in one’s own skin. A state in which one lives; if there is harmony in it, one prefers to be in that state.
- Happiness is a state of liking, whereas prosperity is the feeling of having or making available more than necessary physical facilities.
- We are currently attempting to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing the accumulation and consumption of physical resources.
- These are efforts to find happiness through enjoyable sensory experiences.
- Physical facilities are not viewed as a way to satisfy physical requirements but rather as a way to maximize happiness.
- This led to the incorrect assumption that physical facility needs were limitless. But this goal is unattainable.
- We cannot expect to be constantly happy or prosperous through sensory interactions since doing so would mean attempting to satisfy all of our desires with a finite quantity of resources.
- This effort is causing issues at all levels. It is becoming anti-ecological and anti-human, threatening human survival.
d. Define and explain the activities of animal order.
Ans. Activities within animal order are classified as:
1. Body in Animal (Physico-Chemical Activities)
- The body displays the same activities that we see in the plant.
- The body displays respiration, breathing, or pulsating.
- The body is also formed at one point in time and keeps building cells as well, i.e., there is a composition in the body.
- Hence, the activities in the body are the same as those in the plant/bio order, which are: composition/decomposition and respiration.
- Hence, we say that the body belongs to the pranic order.
2. ‘I’ In Animals (Conscious Activities):
- The activities in ‘I’ are fundamentally different from those in the body.
- ‘I’ is a unit that has the ability or capacity of assuming. Animals make assumptions.
- If you have a dog and some strangers enter your home, the dog may begin barking at them.
- If these visitors stay at your home, the dog may stop barking at them but will continue to bark at other strangers.
- What has happened here is that the dog’s assumption about these people has changed, which has changed the way it responds to them. This is referred to as assuming.
e. Define salient features of ethical competence.
Ans. The following are the key characteristics that define this competence:
- Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samashan – Samadhi – Abhay – Sah – astitva and its fulfillment through universal human order.
- Confidence in oneself: Based on having the proper perspective on oneself and the rest of existence.
- Mutually fulfilling behavior: Clarity and assurance in the relationship between sustained individual happiness and wealth and moral behavior in society.
- Mutually enriching interaction with nature: Self-sufficiency in meeting physical needs; ability to assess the needs for physical facilities for the family and meet them through production systems that ensure natural harmony. In light of the foregoing, one gains the ability to identify and develop appropriate (people- and eco-friendly) technologies, production systems, and so on.
Very Long Questions for Universal Human Values
1. a. Explain the process of self-exploration.
Ans. Process of Self-Exploration: The process of self-exploration is as follows:
1. First and foremost, we must keep in mind that whatever is being proposed.
- Don’t dismiss it out of hand or presume it to be true without giving it full consideration.
- Verify it in your own right, based on your natural acceptance of it.
- Not just on the basis of scriptures.
- Not on the basis of equipment/instrument data.
- Not on the basis of the assertion by other human beings.
2. As a result, it is critical that you carefully consider these on your own. Accept them as true right away, but don’t dismiss them without proper exploration.
3. Then what to do:
- Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance.
- Live accordingly to validate it experientially.
- The proposition leads to happiness for both parties if it is true in human behavior.
- If the proposal is implemented in collaboration with the rest of nature, it will result in mutual prosperity.
4. However, this is not the end of the process. It will be finished when the verification based on natural acceptance and testing in our daily lives results in in’realization’ and ‘understanding’ in us.
5. We gain assurance, satisfaction, and University after realizing and comprehending (applies to all time, space, and individual).
6. For example, ‘respect’ is a value in human relationships. When I verify it at the level of natural acceptance, I find it to be mutually acceptable. Similarly, when I act with respect, it benefits both me and the other person. As a result, the proposal is ‘True’. If it fails on any of the two tests, it is untrue. This verification leads to the realization that the proposal is true, and it becomes a part of my understanding. It is reflected in my thoughts and actions.
b. Distinguish between ‘animal consciousness’ and ‘human consciousness’.
Ans. Difference between Human and Animal consciousness:
- When it comes to physical facilities, both human and animal consciousness come into play.
- Physical facilities can easily be described as living in animal consciousness because one is only concerned with satisfying physical urges or desires.
- For example, your pet dog will be pleased with the food you give it and will be satisfied after eating.
- It is unconcerned with how the food was prepared or served to it. However, for humans, it is critical to prepare food in a variety of ways and to present it attractively on the dining table.
- As a result, physical amenities are not everything that a person desires. This is what distinguishes humans from animals.
- Human consciousness refers to living with proper understanding, relationships, and physical facilities.
- Humans require the transformation from animal consciousness to human consciousness.
- This qualitative improvement in consciousness is what distinguishes us from animals.
2. a. Define self-regulation and health. How are the two related?
Ans. Sanyam (Self-Control) and Swasthya (Health):
- Sanyama refers to the self’s (I) sense of responsibility for the nurturing, protection, and proper use of the body.
- Sanyama, or self-control, is the control of the mind and its desires, urges emotions, and delusions. It is the control of the mind’s and senses’ outgoing tendencies and their return to our inner self.
- Swasthya is the state of the body in which every part of the body is functioning normally. Being anchored to the self, or being in close harmony with the self, is what the word swasthya literally means.
- In other words, swasthaya means self-sufficiency (swa = your own) in Sanskrit. Its meaning also includes the words health, well-being, comfort, and satisfaction.
- So we can say that sanyam ensures swathya.
- Right perception and feelings have a positive impact on the body.
- For example, when I’m joyful, my body’s temperature and pressure are normal; nevertheless, when I’m furious or tense, they become upset. It implies that the body starts to react negatively as soon as I’m out of harmony, such as when I’m angry, stressed out, or depressed.
b. Explain how the assumption “Human Being = Body”, leads to the feeling of deprivation.
Ans. 1. A human body has a familiar shape and structure. But, in addition to the body, there is the person’s aliveness, which keeps the body ‘alive’ and allows it to function in various ways.
2. This aliveness can be seen in the person’s actions, such as seeing, talking, listening, walking, and eating, among other things.
3. The self (I) and the body, as well as all of the human being’s emotional and physical components, exchange information with one another, making the self and the body coexisting entities that are connected.
4. There is a flow of information from the ‘I’ to the body and back again. In terms of the needs, activities, and types of these two entities, we can distinguish between the self and the body in three ways.
5. All of the needs of I, such as respect, trust, and so on, can be referred to as Happiness, whereas the needs of the body are physical facilities (suvidha), such as food. The two are qualitatively distinct.
6. Quantity has no relevance for the needs of I because they are qualitative, whereas the needs of the body are quantitative and limited in quantity.
7. Knowing, assuming, recognizing, and fulfilling are all modes of ‘I’ interaction. This fulfillment is dependent on recognition, which is dependent on assumptions, and assumptions are dependent on knowing or not knowing (beliefs). If assuming is based on knowledge, then recognition and fulfillment are correct. Things can go wrong if assumptions are not based on knowledge.
8. The body’s mode of interaction is only recognition and fulfillment.
9. The self is a conscious entity, whereas the body is a material entity with physicochemical properties.
10. The needs and activities of the body and the self are quite different and must be understood as such. However, these two components of the human being must work in tandem.
3. a. Define affection. How does affection lead to harmony in the family?
Ans. A. Affection:
- Affection is the feeling of being connected to another.
- Affection arises when I recognize that we both want to make each other happy and that we are similar.
- Then, for the first time, I feel connected to the other, as if the other is a relative of mine. This is known as affection.
- Only when trust and respect are established can affection be felt. 5. Without trust and respect, we believe the other is out to hurt us, and doesn’t care about us, and as a result, we are unable to feel affection for them. We consistently perceive the other as being opposed.
B. Affection leads to Harmony in the family in the following ways:
- Love and affection within the family are crucial for harmony and healthy development.
- It is the deep affection that drives parents to make sacrifices for their children’s upbringing, household activities, and financial needs.
- Without the affection factor, no one would have lived solely for the sake of the family.
- Parents are obligated to take care of their children, and children are obligated to love and obey their parents.
- It is critical to constantly nurture affection in the family in order to keep the bond of love between family members strong.
- It is the unrivaled affection that fosters a sense of belonging in family life.
- The affection expressed within the family is a commitment to the family, not benevolence.
- Verbal expressions of affection, quality time spent with family, gifts, mutual services, affectionate touch, and labour love touch, among other things, are the most recommended modes of nurturing affection in the family between family members for the growth of harmony.
b. What is the building block for harmony in the society?
Ans. Right understanding in the individuals is the basis for harmony in the family, which is the building block for harmony in the society.
- The foundation of social harmony is the person. As the cornerstone of social harmony, we must ensure that each individual has the proper understanding.
- The family’s requirement for physical amenities can be determined with the correct information. Our family can be prosperous if we accurately analyse our requirements and produce more than is necessary.
- Individuals and families benefit from right understanding, and understanding of human relationships leads to harmony and trust (fearlessness) in society. Fearlessness (mutual trust) in society will naturally follow when every individual is able to live harmoniously in relationship and the needs of all families are met.
- When humans with the right understanding interact with nature, it will be in accordance with coexistence and mutually enriching. We may also understand it in the following sequence:
- Right understanding
- Prosperity
- Fearlessness (trust)
- Co-existence
4. a. Elaborate the significance of education-sanskar for human being.
Ans. Sanskar refers to the moral and ethical mannerism that an individual learns in his or her early years of life. The significance of education-sanskar in human lives are follows:
- Correct Identification of our Aspirations: It allows us to correctly understand our needs and visualise our goals, as well as indicate the direction for their fulfilment. It also aids in the removal of our ambiguities and contradictions, bringing harmony on all levels.
- Understanding Universal Human Values to Fulfill our Aspirations in Continuity: Values serve as the foundation for all of our thoughts, behaviours, and actions. When we know what is important to us, we can use that knowledge to guide our actions.
- Complimentarity of Values and Skills: To achieve goals, both values and skills are required. When we set the right goals and take the right steps. This is referred to as the value domain, and when we learn and practice to achieve this goal, we develop the techniques to make it happen in real life. This is referred to domain of skills.
- Evaluation of our Beliefs: Each of us has certain beliefs that we base our values on, which may or may not be true in reality. It aids in the evaluation of our beliefs and assumed values.
- Technology and Human Values: The current educational system is largely skill-based. The primary focus is on science and technology. A critical component of the current educational system is value education. Because of this deficiency, most of our efforts may be counterproductive, and serious crises at the individual, societal, and environmental levels are manifesting.
b. Describe the dependency of the human being on the other three orders.
Ans. In nature, all of the units are interconnected and mutually beneficial. Every human being is related to every other human being. We have feelings and emotions for everyone on this basis. The human being is connected to all material units in existence and becomes aware of this as he begins to explore it.We can see this interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment :
- Material Order and Plant/Bio-Order: The material order provides nutrients to the plant/bio order in the form of soil, minerals, and so on, while the plant/bio order decays and forms additional nutrients, enriching the soil. The plant/bio order also decays to substances such as oil and coal, which are stored deep within the earth to protect against heat from the earth’s molten core as well as heat from the sun (today, this is the material we are removing and using as fuel). Plants aid in the movement of nutrients through the soil’s various layers. The roots of plants hold the soil together and keep it from eroding. Plants generate oxygen and carbon dioxide, which aid in the movement of the material order. We can see mutual interdependence and coexistence here.
- Material Order, Plant/Bio- Order and Animal Order: The material order serves as the foundation for all animal, bird, and fish movement. Both plants and animals require water, oxygen, and other gases. At the same time, the animal order enriches the soil with its excreta, and these excreta provide nutrients to the plants. Animals, birds, and fish eat from the plant/bio order. The animal Order aids in the pollination of the Pranic Order’s flowers.
- Material Order, Plant/Bio- Order, Animal Order and Human Order: We humans have a natural acceptance of being mutually fulfilling to these three orders. However, we are unable to ensure this mutual fulfilment. We rely on the material order for soil, minerals, and metals, but we only end up polluting the soil and depleting fossil fuels; we rely on plants for food and to hold the larger ecosystem together, but we have destroyed forests and wiped out multiple plant and herb species; Counting the number of animals in the world. Counting the number of animals in the world. Counting the number of animals in the world. Counting the number of animals in the world. Except for the human order, we can see that all orders of nature are interconnected and mutually fulfilling. We must work on this.
5. a. How to resolve current issues in professional ethics.
Professional ethics is the code of conduct, moral values, and policies that all professionals should respect. It is the ethical commitment that members of a profession must follow as a result of their professional standing. For More Information Click here
5. b. Describe in detail the term “holistic approach” and “universal human order”.
Holistic Approach : Click Here
Universal Human Order: Click Here
What is Sanyam in Universal Human Values?
Self-control or restraint is referred to as sanyam in Sanskrit. It is considered an important component of universal human values since it aids in the growth of self-discipline and inner fortitude.
What is Swasthya in Universal Human Values?
The Sanskrit word for health and wellbeing is swasthya. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and is seen as a key component of universal human values because it enables people to live happy, fulfilled lives.


Top Important Question In Universal Human Values
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