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Ethical Human Conduct & Holistic Alternatives/ Svarajya?

Ethical is what, exactly? 🕵️

So, without wasting time 😁, the short answer is: professional ethics is the code of conduct, moral values, and policies that all professionals should respect to. It is the ethical commitment that members of a profession must follow as a result of their professional standing.

Svarajya is what, exactly? 🕵️

So, without wasting time 😁, the short answer is:  Air, water, space, plants, and animals are all part of our environment. The complete existence is connected and coexists. Svarajya is the coordinated connection in which each individual has a function and is ready to help and support others.
Guys 🤔.. You desire additional relevant information on the same. Don't forget to read this as well.

Important Questions For Universal Human Values : 
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Ethical Human Conduct  ( – Universal Human Values) ?

Ethical human behaviour may be characterised as the combination of values, policy, and character developed through proper understanding and self-exploration. It is global in nature and supports universal human goals. It is also known as definite human behaviour. When we have the proper understanding, we may make a connection between our current behaviour and ethical human behaviour. We might state that a person is acting in an ethical manner.
Also when they:

1: Respect humanity, do not break cultural standards, do not steal or kill, and be truthful.

2: On an individual level, avoid the topic with the self”I.

3: When they have created correct knowledge and are in keeping with the rest of the universe’s orders, such as essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, respect for the law of land concern, safety, and so on.

4: Contributing to the beauty of the rest of nature.
However, we cannot determine the definitiveness of ethical human behaviour unless we have the proper understanding. It is understandable in terms of the following:

Values (Mulya): The ability to live in line with universal human values or the involvement of a unit in the greater order- its natural features or svabhava are referred to as values. Values are a component of our morality.

Policy (Niti): policy is a choice (plan, programme, execution, results, and evaluation) about the richness, protection, and proper resource utilization (self, body and wealth – mana, tana and dhana).

Character (Charitra): My living is defined by the clarity of my goal, thinking, and choosing. The definiteness of my behaviour and job results in the definiteness of my character.

5: Five values which are necessary for ethical human conduct are :

  • Love: Care that is unconditional and selfless.
  • Peace: Control your thoughts.
  • Truth: necessary moral discipline
  • Non-violence: It means respect for life and awareness of the rights of others.
  • Right conduct: Right conduct is based on truth.

Universal Human Order / Holistic Alternative of Svarajya ( – Universal Human Values) ?

Air, water, space, plants, and animals are all part of our environment. The complete existence is connected and coexists. Svarajya is the coordinated connection in which each individual has a function and is ready to help and support others is known as universal human order, holistic alternative, or Svarajya.

.Progression in the form of education, health, production, justice, and exchange is required for the awareness of harmony and a unified society. An honest assessment of our surroundings will assist us in locating a feasible alternative to the current pattern of human life.

To achieve this peace, humans must transition from family to global family.

Exam questions on this topic ( – Universal Human Values) :

  • What is ethical human conduct? Explain in terms of values, policies, and character with appropriate examples.
  • What do you mean by ethical human conduct? Explain its relevance.
  • Explain any five values which are necessary for ethical human conduct.
  • What do you mean by the definitiveness of ethical human conduct? How can it be ensured?
  • How do realization and understanding lead to the definiteness of human conduct?
  • Discuss What you mean by Universal human Order?
  • What is a holistic Alternative?
  • What do you understand by Svarajya?

Important Questions For Universal Human Values -B.Tech AKTU

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human values notes – Unit-1UNIT-1
human values notes – Unit-2UNIT-2
human values notes – Unit-3UNIT-3
human values notes – Unit-4UNIT-4
human values notes – Unit-5Unit-5
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human values Question-paper2021-22

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FAQ (Frequentily Asked Question)

What is Svarajya

professional ethics is the code of conduct, moral values, and policies that all professionals should respect to. It is the ethical commitment that members of a profession must follow as a result of their professional standing.

What is professional ethics

Air, water, space, plants, and animals are all part of our environment. The complete existence is connected and coexists. Svarajya is the coordinated connection in which each individual has a function and is ready to help and support others.


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