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Harmony in the Family & Understanding Values

What exactly is harmony in the family?

This is the simplest definition of harmony in a family: individual understanding is the basis for family harmony, which is the basis for societal harmony.
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Harmony in the Family/ building block for harmony in society

Individual harmony is the basis of community harmony. We must secure correct understanding in people as the basis of social harmony.

The requirement for physical facilities in the family may be determined with the proper information. The family can be wealthy if we understand and analyze our requirements and produce more than is needed.

Individuals and families benefit from the right understanding and being aware of human relations leads to harmony and trust (fearlessness) in society. Self-confidence (mutual trust) in society will naturally follow when every individual is able to live peacefully in partnership and the needs of all families are satisfied.

When humans with the correct knowledge engage with nature, it is in keeping with interdependence and mutually fulfilling.

We may also understand it in the following sequence:

  • Right understanding
  • Wellness
  • Fearlessness (trust)
  • Co-existence

How to Maintain Harmony in a Relationship?

A. Understanding these 👇 four fundamental suggestions can ensure family harmony:

  1. Understanding the connections between two Selves or persons, or between one Self and another Self, is important.
  2. In the two-person relationship, the Self experiences feelings
  3. These emotions in the Self are unique and may be distinguished.
  4. Mutual satisfaction in a relationship may be secured by identifying and expressing these feelings.

B. Taking the first suggestion, it is crucial to acknowledge that relationships exist between selves rather than between bodies. The body is only a vehicle for expressing or experiencing the interaction with another Self. Only the Self understands and feels. For example, a person may have trust in another person, and this understanding is acquired through the Self rather than the body. There is no way for the body to experience this sense of trust. Similarly, the body is unable to understand or experience. The Self is in charge of feelings. Every relationship has feelings, and they develop naturally. These emotions cannot be created or destroyed by us. We can try to hide or ignore them, but we can’t change their basic nature. And all of this happens within the Self instead of the body.

C. It is also critical to know that emotions are unique. This awareness helps the Self in having a mutually beneficial relationship with another Self. These specific values include love, affection, trust, respect, and the like. Finally, we must focus on understanding and identifying these emotions.

D. Based on this awareness, there is mutual fulfillment for both the Selves engaged in the partnership when we work and behave in accordance with those emotions. In addition, regular appraisal of our feelings, as well as the feelings of another Self, is an important way to ensure that there is no gap in the partnership and that there is mutual happiness.

What are the different ways to have harmony in society?

Three activities can be performed to send the message of a holistic society:

Educating society through workshops, seminars, and street plays: This involves arranging workshops, seminars, and street plays at different levels of society. The activity may be carried out by non-governmental groups, but it must be supported by a government entity. These activities are classified into three kinds, which are as follows.

  • Knowing the self.
  • Knowing the existence on basis of self
  • Knowing the definite human conduct which is the contribution of self in existence.

Value Education in Educational Institutions: Value education should be implemented in the present educational system at all levels, including basic, secondary, and senior secondary schools, as well as college.

Supporting the application of values in the real world: Government and non-government companies should develop counseling services to assist their employees or the general public in applying values in real situations. It is about understanding life’s alternatives. The goal is not to live in loneliness or selfishness, but rather to expand the Self to higher levels in the social system.

Exam questions on this topic – Harmony in the Family (Btech)

  • Right understanding in the individuals is the basis for harmony in the family, which is the building block for harmony in society. Give your comments.
  • What is the role of the value system in family harmony? How can you maintain harmony in a relationship?
  • How can harmony in the family is assured?
  • Prove that our emotions in the family are our values to sustain our family life.
  • What are the different ways to have harmony in society?

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Tips of Harmony Family

Right understanding
Fearlessness (trust)
Forgive and accept his/her limitations.
Show your appreciation.
Listen to his/her needs.

what is harmony in the family?

In Simple words we can say that Harmony in the family is individual understanding is the basis for family harmony, which is the basis for societal harmony.

how to maintain harmony in family?

Knowing the self.
Knowing the existence on basis of self
Knowing the definite human conduct which is the contribution of self in existence.
Better Understanding

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