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A holistic approach and Technology ?

A holistic approach is what, exactly? ( – Universal Human Values) 🕵️

So, without wasting time 😁, the short answer is:  A Holistic approach, we suggest that the methods and technologies we use must be eco-friendly. A holistic approach is naturally supportive of the whole human endeavor. 
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Important Questions For Universal Human Values : 
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

A holistic Approach ( – Universal Human Values) ?

Every single one of us lives on each of these levels—myself, my family, society, and nature/existence—and aims to know each of these elements of our existence. We’ll take a close look at ourselves to discover our unique actions, decisions, ideas, and desires. This will help us identify how we think and what we want. As a result, human relationships are only feasible if they have the right understanding, value recognition, satisfaction, accurate assessment, and mutual love. After studying nature/existence and understanding the connection in nature, we will also examine the different aspects of humanity’s culture, the overall human aim, and how this might be accomplished. When we do self-inquiry, we discover that we wish to be in harmony at all levels of our lives.

  1. Harmony in myself
  2. Harmony in family
  3. Harmony in society
  4. Harmony in nature/existence
  • In harmony in myself, we have mutual pleasure and a sense of wealth.
  • In harmony in the family, We enjoy equal pleasure in our relationships and success in our families when we live in harmony.
  • There is fearlessness and an undivided society in society.
  • In nature, we have harmony in nature and an understanding the inherent co-existence.

We can identify our position in nature/existence after we have realised this balance on all levels. This function of the human being is nothing more than his value, i.e., the worth of the human being is its engagement in nature/existence. These human values will be shown to be natural and universal. As a result, this is a holistic way of living.

Holistic Technology ( – Universal Human Values) ?

Let’s Talk in point Wise👉, I hope Points are more attractive to you❤️🙏👍.

  • A holistic perspective is naturally supportive of the whole human aim.
  • Today, money and industry rule our world rather than people. It is now our aim to revert the trend.
  • In today’s world, the term “development” has been widely abused. Today, development is viewed as the exploitation of nature.
  • Nature is seen to have to be managed and abused for human happiness. Our attitude toward nature has caused serious harm to humanity. Humans are an important part of nature, and it is critical that we live in peace with it.
  • It is necessary to develop holistic technologies and systems that include a critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of today’s technology.
  • Adoption of a healthy lifestyle, correct evaluation of requirements, and proper knowledge can open the door for holistic technologies and systems.

Importance of Holistic Technology 😊

  • Right knowledge aids in the development of a holistic approach vision.
  • By holistic approach, we mean that the processes and technology we use must be eco-friendly. A holistic model is naturally supportive of the whole human aim. Modern technology is the child of the human brain. Every invention is the outcome of a developing requirement To enable the creation of holistic technologies, certain criteria for holistic evaluation of technologies are required. To guide the creation of such technologies and systems, we have these general criteria:
    1. Caring for appropriate needs and lifestyle.
    2. People-friendly.
    3. Eco-friendly.
  • Because of the increased usage of natural resources, modern technologies are creating environmental issues. We are using fossil fuels as well as other renewable resources. Natural resources are in high demand all over the world, and they are vanishing at an astonishing speed.
  • Certainly, this is only achievable with proper knowledge and analysis of human needs. We must focus on renewable energy technology. We must study environmentally friendly technologies for human welfare.
  • When we use technology, we must remember to consider people’s needs. We must make every effort to create people-friendly technologies. Because the purpose of technology is to benefit people, and this must be maintained in mind while we create a solution. Science and technology are no longer being employed only for human well-being, and this is happening in society as a result of a lack of proper knowledge and appraisal of human needs.
  • Rather of making technology more human-friendly, we are making it more anti-human. For proper technology use, we must first determine our basic demands via proper knowledge.

Exam questions on this topic ( – Universal Human Values)

  • Analyze the importance of holistic technology in the current scenario with different examples.
  • What is holistic technology? Take any two such examples from Indian tradition and elaborate on them.
  • Describe briefly the criteria for evaluation of Holistic technology. Support your answer with an example.
  • What do You understand by holistic technology? Briefly Explain.
  • Explain the Holistic way of life and holistic technology in brief.
What is Btech & Holistic Technology and holistic approach

Important Questions For Universal Human Values -B.Tech AKTU

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FAQ (Frequentily Asked Question)

What is A holistic approach

A Holistic approach, we suggest that the methods and technologies we use must be eco-friendly. A holistic approach is naturally supportive of the whole human endeavor. Read article for more information.

what is a holistic approach to medicine?

A holistic approach to medicine is a way of thinking about health care as opposed to a specific set of treatment.It addresses the psychological, familial, social, moral, and cultural aspects of health and illness, in addition to the medical aspects.

A holistic thinking?

As part of a holistic strategy, we propose that the techniques and technology we employ be environmentally friendly. Holistic thinking promotes flexibility by tolerating contradiction and ambiguity.

Holistic in Human Values

Holistic in human values refers to an approach that considers the interconnectedness of different aspects of human life and their impact on overall well-being. This approach recognizes that humans are complex beings with physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions, and that each of these dimensions is interrelated and affects the others.


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