Providing all units ‘FUNDAMENTALS OF TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION’, ‘FORMS OF TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION‘, ‘TECHNICAL PRESENTATION‘, ‘TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS‘ and ‘ORAL COMMUNICATION & VOICE DYNAMICS‘ Technical Communication Important short Questions with the solution – AKTU, Last year’s question paper with solutions, and many more study materials that will help students or bachelor’s exam
Hi there 🙏, make sure to keep this in mind also if you're seeking for additional useful information on this topic Important Questions For Technical Communication : *Unit-01 *Unit-02 *Unit-03 *Unit-04 *Unit-05 *Short-Q/Ans *Question-Paper with solution 21-22
Unit – 1 (Fundamentals of Technical Communication)
Q1. What do you mean by technical communication?
Ans. Technical communication is the study of the targeted audience and then finding out the best way to present the information.
Q2. Discuss the main features of technical communication.
Ans. Main features of technical communication are :
- 1. Accuracy of expressions
- 2. Brevity
- 3. Clarity
- 4. Objectivity
- 5. Comprehensiveness
Q3. How is language ‘a tool of communication’?
Ans. Tool makes the work easy and language is that medium which helps us to communicate effectively, that is why language is a tool of communication.
Q4. What do you mean by the flow of communication in an organization ?
Describe vertical flow of communication.
Ans. The flows of communication in an organization are :
i. Horizontal communication (peers group flow) : It takes place among the people working at the same level.
ii. Vertical upward and downward communication : It flows from subordinate to superior and superiors to subordinate.
iii. Diagonal or crossed communication : It cuts across the levels in an organization. This deviates from the normal chain of command.
iv. Grapevine: It is informal communication that takes place in offices.
Q5. Describe barriers to communication.
Ans. Barrier can be any disturbance which impedes the smooth flow of the process of communication. Barrier or noise distorts the idea and process of communication suffers because of that disturbance.
Q6. How can we remove the barriers to communication?
Ans. To remove barrier to communication :
- i. Create an open communication environment
- ii. Avoid having too many transfer channels
- iii. Do not communicate when you are emotionally outburst
- iv. Be aware of diversity in culture
- v. Analyze the feedback
Q7. Distinguish between interpersonal and mass communication.
S. No. | Interpersonal communication | Mass communication |
1. | Interpersonal communication is transfer of message from one person to another. | Mass communication refers to transfer of a message or information to a large audience. |
2. | In interpersonal communication, the sender and the receiver know each other. | In mass communication, the receivers are unknown to each other. |
Q8. List down the types of sentences on the basis of structure and expression.
Ans. Types of Sentences :
i. On the basis of structure :
- a. Simple
- b. Complex
- c. Compound
ii. On the basis of expression :
- a. Assertive :
- i. Affirmative
- ii. Negative
- b. Interrogative
- c. Imperative
- d. Exclamatory
Q9. What are the requisites of an effective paragraph?
Ans. Requisites of an effective paragraph are :
- i. Topic sentence
- ii. Unity
- iii. Coherence
- iv. Emphasis
- v. Logical development of idea
Q10. How is coherence produced in a paragraph?
Ans. Coherence is the logical linking of idea. There are four significant ways which may help in attaining coherence in a paragraph. These are pronoun reference, repetition, synonyms and connectors.
Q11. Give the name of techniques or methods of paragraph construction?
Ans. Techniques or methods of paragraph construction :
- i. Inductive
- ii. Deductive
- iii. Spatial
- iv. Linear
- v. Chronological
Q12. Differentiate between deductive and inductive order.
S. No. | Deductive order | Inductive order |
1. | In deductive order, we have a conclusion reached by reasoning from general laws to a particular case. | In inductive order, an author moves from a particular statement to the general statement. |
2. | The author finally tries to deduce his conclusion logically by particular or specific subordinate statements. | The author gives details, arguments or illustrations, which finally leads to the conclusion. |
Q13. Define the role of topic sentence in the paragraph.
What is a topic sentence?
Ans. A topic sentence is that part of the paragraph which states its main idea clearly and concisely.
Role of topic sentence :
1. It can be found at the beginning or at the end of a paragraph.
2. In the former case it defines the theme developed in the rest of the paragraph; while in the latter, it concludes the discussion occupying the paragraph with an inference or a final observation.
Q14. Write the basic requirements of a good sentence.
Ans. Basic requirements of the good sentence :
1. Clarity
2. Consistency
3. Economy
Q15. What are the causes of interpersonal barriers?
Ans. Causes of interpersonal barriers :
1. Limited vocabulary
2. Incongruity of verbal and non-verbal messages
3. Communication selectivity
Q16. With a specific example, illustrate how clarity can be introduced in technical writing?
Ans. Clarity in technical writing:
1. Choose the word that most clearly conveys the meaning.
For example : The words like slender, thin, skinny have the
same meaning but different emotional impact.
2. Always follow this, that, these, and those with a noun.
For example :
Unclear : I will take this.
Clear : I will take this dog.
Q17. Correct the wrongly used underlined words in the following sentences.
i. Her sufferings have been caused by her negligible attitude to her work.
ii. We are expected to discharge our sociable responsibilities with sincerity.
iii. If we dessert our friends, we will lose all self-esteem.
iv. The journey by ‘car was Quiet comfortable.
Ans. i. Her suffering have been caused by her neglectful attitude to her work.
ii. We are expected to discharge our social responsibilities with sincerity.
iii. Ifwe desert our friends, we will lose all self-esteem.
iv. The journey by car was quite comfortable.
Q18. Transform the following sentences as directed :
i. He is too fast to be caught by the police. (Remove too)
ii. No other king of India was as great as Akbar.
Ans. i. He is so fast that the police would not caught him.
ii. Akbar was greater than any other king of India.
Q19. Transform the following sentences as directed :
i. No other metal is as useful as iron. (Comparative).
ii. All desire wealth and some acquire it. (Passive voice) .
Ans. i. Iron is more useful than any other metal.
ii. Wealth is desired by all and is acquired by some.
Q20. What is mass communication?
Ans. i. Mass communication refers to the communication involving large number of people as audience.
ii. As the messages are meant for large audience the approach is impersonal, also it is persuasive in nature than any other form of communication.
Q21. Define deductive and inductive methods of paragraph writing.
Define deductive method of paragraph writing.
Ans. Deductive method : In deductive method, we have a conclusion reached by reasoning from general laws to a particular case.
Inductive method : In inductive method, an author moves from a particular statement to the general statement.
Unit – 2 (Forms of Technical Communication)
Q1. What do you mean by report?
Ans. A report is a special kind of narrative or-systematic compilation of information which has been sought, collected and written on the basis of evidence, containing organized information on a particular topic or analysis of a particular topic.
Q2. Discuss the structure of report.
Ans. Structure of report :
- i. Title/cover page
- ii. Preface/acknowledgement
- iii. Letter of transmittal (optional)
- iv. Content tablel illustration’s list
- v. Abstract/(Executive) summary
- vi. Introduction
- vii. Methodology
- viii. Analysis/discussion/finding
- ix. Conclusion
- x. Recommendation/suggestion
- xi. Appendices
- xii. References
- xiii. Bibliography
Q3. Define appendices in report.
Ans. Appendices contain additional information which would be too detailed to include in the main body. Typical examples of information included in appendices can be glossaries (ifit is a technical report), tables with supporting statistical data, and examples of survey questions or abstracts of previous reports.
Q4. What is technical report?
Ans. A technical report is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research.
Q5. Write down the characteristics of research paper?
Ans. Characteristics of research paper are :
- 1. A research paper is the most important form of expository discourse.
- 2. It is highly stylized.
- 3. It is objective in nature.
- 4. The presentation of information is accurate, concise, direct, and unambiguous.
- 5. A research paper is a documented prose work.
Q6. Define research paper.
Ans. A research paper is a piece of written communication organized to meet the needs of a standard, valid publication. It is therefore highly structured, with distinctive and clearly evident component parts.
Q7. Define conference.
Ans. A conference is a type of business meeting. The level of formality of a meeting varies according to its size and purpose. When two or more people gather in an office to discuss a project, the meeting style will be much less formal than when 30-40 people assemble to
learn about a new government ruling.
Q8. Define seminar.
Ans. A seminar is a meeting held for exchange of useful information by members of academia/business/industry. It brings together groups of people from a particular sector for recurring meetings focusing each time on a particular topic.
Q9. What is the purpose of conference?
Ans. The purpose of a conference is to confer with people having similar interests and to pool their resources, i.e., experiences and opinions.
Q10. Define unity.
Ans. Unity is the principle of oneness. Unity of the paragraph means dealing with one main idea, thought or thesis. In order to maintain the unity of a paragraph only one main thought should be expressed in a single paragraph. The related ideas should be subordinated.
Q11. List some principle of business writing.
Ans. Principles of business writing are :
1. Consideration 2. Clarity
3. Correctness 4. Completeness
5. Concreteness
Q12. Define synopsis.
Ans. A synopsis is a summary of a book that familiarizes the reader with
the plot and how it unfolds.
Q13. Why are oral reports important?
Ans. 1. In the process of oral report, the receiver gets an opportunity for feedback and clarification.
2. It helps to promote friendly relation between the sender and the receiver of the message.
3. It is extremely useful while communicating with groups at meetings, assemblies etc.
Q14. Explain analytical and informative reports.
Ans. Analytical reports :
1. Analytical reports present data along with an analysis of it.
2. Project reports, feasibility reports and market research reports fall in this category.
Informational reports :
1. An informational r eport presents’. facts, situations or problems required to take vital decisions.
2. Informational reports record happenings such as conferences, seminars, tours, and so on and supply details for future planning.
Q15. What is a resume ? Describe its kind.
Ans. Resume is summary of usually one page long but ext7nd to two pages sometimes. It includes the gist of an individual ,education, past employment, and skills for the new position.
Kinds of resume :
1. Chronological resume
2. Functional resume
3. Hybrid/combination resume
Q16. What is a proposal? How solicited proposal is different from unsolicited proposal?
Ans. Proposal is an act of proposing, or anything proposed. It is a form of business letter or a formal report written to draw the attention of the public to any issue.
Difference between solicited proposal and unsolicited proposal:
S. No. | Solicited proposal | Unsolicited proposal |
1. | A solicited proposal is when the customer asks for a proposal. | An unsolicited proposal is one sent to customers even though they have not asked for it. |
2. | It provide the description of what customer wants. | The customer has not anticipated, planned, or budgeted for the proposal. |
Q17. Define solicited and unsolicited proposal.
Ans. Solicited proposal: A solicited proposal is when the customer asks for a proposal. They may ask verbally or they may issue a written ‘request for proposal’ (RFP).
Unsolicited proposal: An unsolicited proposal is one sent to customers even though they have not asked for it because we think they should buy from us or take some action.
Unit – 3 (Technical Presentations: Strategies And Techniques)
Q1. What is the purpose of presentation?
Ans. Purpose of presentation :
i. To inform (for example, knowledge transfer, classroom instruction).
ii. To persuade (for example, convincing others to adopt a design approach or accept the results of an evaluation process).
Q2. What are the characteristics of presentation?
Ans. Characteristics of presentation are :
- i. It should be well adapted to audience.
- ii. It must be planned.
- iii. It should be concise and focused.
- iv. Rehearse and practice the presentation.
Q3. Define classroom presentation.
Ans. A classroom presentation comprise of short discussions, demonstrations and activities related to the given topic.
Q4. What are different types of presentation?
Ans. Types of presentation are :
- i Informative presentation
- ii. Persuasive presentation
- iii. Motivational presentation
- iv. Internal presentation
- v. External presentation
- vi. Impromptu presentation
- vii. Planned presentation
Q5. Define individual conferencing.
Ans. Individual conferencing is a critical tool of supervision arranged to facilitate interaction, sharing and feedback between supervisor and supervisee in a systematic, planned and confidential setting.
Q6. What do you mean by public speaking?
Ans. Public speaking is the process and act of speaking on giving a lecture to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a listening audience.
Q7. Describe the essentials of good public speaking.
Ans. Essentials of good public speaking are :
- i. Clarity of purpose
- ii. Audience awareness
- iii. Familiarity with the location
- iv. Collection and selection of content
- v. Outlining
- vi. Organization of content
Q8. Define impromptu delivery.
Ans. The impromptu or extemporary means done without preparation or planning. The term impromptu speech, means a speech delivered without any preparation i.e., unrehearsed delivery in speech.
Q9. Define quiz.
Ans. A quiz is a game which can also be called a mind sport where the players, either as individuals or in teams attempt to answer question posed to them correctly in order to win a prize.
Unit – 4 (Technical Communication Skills)
Q1. Define interview.
Ans. An interview is an interaction between two or more persons in which the interviewer asks the interviewee specific questions in order to assess his/her suitability for recruitment, admission, or promotion.
Q2. What is the objective of interview?
Ans. Objective of interview are :
- i. To select a person for a specific task.
- ii. To monitor performance.
- iii. To collect information.
- iv. To exchange information.
- v. To counsel.
Q3. Define group discussion.
Ans. In Group Discussions (GDs), a particular number of people (approximately three to eight) meet face to face and, through free oral interaction, develop, share, and discuss ideas.
Q4. How we can improve seminar/presentation skills.
Ans. To improve seminar/presentation skills :
- i. Practice
- ii. Transform nervous energy to enthusiasm
- iii. Attend other presentation
- iv. Arrive early
- v. Meet and greet
- vi. Smile
- vii. Take deep breath
Q5. Define cohesion.
Ans. Cohesion is the property of written text that provides a smooth flow to the text. It refers to the grammatical and lexical links that connect one part of the text to the other.
Q6. Define emphasis.
Ans. Emphasis is a stress given to a word or words when speaking to indicate particular importance.
Q7. What is communicative competence?
Ans. The ability to understand and use language effectively to communicate in authentic, social and school environments.
Q8. What are the forms of communicative competence?
Ans. Forms of communicative competence are :
- i. Linguistic
- ii. Strategic
- iii. Socio-linguistic
- iv. Discourse
Q9. Define discourse competence.
Ans. Discourse competence is the knowledge of how to produce and comprehend oral or written texts in the modes of speaking/writing and listening/reading respectively.
Q10. What is strategic competence?
Ans. Strategic competence is the ability to recognize and repair communication breakdowns before, during or after they occur.
Unit – 5 (Dimensions of Oral Communication and Voice Dynamics)
Q1. Define code.
Ans. A code may be defined as any group of symbols that can be structured in a way that is meaningful to another person.
Q2. What is content?
Ans. i. The message content, i.e., the message that is selected by the source to express its purpose.
ii. Content, like codes, has both element and structure. When more than one piece of information is to be presented, they should have some order or structure.
Q3. Define stimulus.
Ans. A stimulus is anything that a person can receive through one of his senses. It is anything that can produce a sensation.
Q4. Define response.
Ans. A response is anything that an individual does as a reaction to the stimulus.
Q5. What is encoding process?
Ans. Encoding is the process of changing the information into some form of logical and coded message.
Q6. What is decoding process?
Ans. Decoding is the process of converting a message in thoughts.
Q7. Define in brief pitch and syllables.
Define syllable with example.
Ans. Pitch : Pitch is a property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale.
Syllable : A syllable is defined as a unit of sound (pronunciation) with one vowel sound and with or without consonant sound.
For example :
i. On : on (VC)
ii. Upon : up+on (VCVC)
iii. Syllable : sy+lla+ble (CVCVCVC)
Q8. What are the dimensions of speech?
Ans. Dimensions of speech :
- i. Accent (way of pronunciation)
- ii. Pitch (Loudness)
- iii. Rhythm (sound pattern achieved by using stress in words)
- iv. Intonation (variation of pitch)
Q9. What are the modes of speech delivery?
Ans. Four modes of speech delivery :
- 1. Extemporaneous
- 2. Manuscript
- 3. Impromptu
- 4. Memorization
Q10. Define tone.
Ans. Tone is the movement or level of pitch that is used and it forms the central part of intonation.
Q11. What is stress and intonation?
Define in brief stress and intonation.
Ans. Stress : Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. In English, stressed syllables are louder than nonstressed syllables. Also, they are longer and have a higher pitch.
Intonation : The intonation in a language refers to the patterns of pitch variation or the tones it uses in its utterances.
Q12. Explain how language is an encoding and decoding devices?Ans. Humans communicate through a process of encoding and decoding. Encoding is the process of changing the information into some form of logical and coded message. Decoding is the process of converting a message in thoughts.

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