The Most Important Question in Unit-2 FORMS OF TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION “Technical Communication” Btech AKTU and other universities. We provide crucial questions with solutions, as well as study materials to help students succeed in the test.
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Q1. Write down the characteristics of good presentation.
Ans. Characteristics of good presentation :
- 1. The presentation ideas should be well adapted to the audience. Relate the presentation message/idea to the interests of the audience.
- 2. A good presentation should be concise and should be focused on the topic.
- 3. A good presentation should have the potential to convey the required information.
- 4. A good presentation must be planned.
- 5. Rehearse and practice the presentation.
- 6. The speaker should encourage more questions from the audience.
- 7. Summarize the presentation at the end. Give final comments. Leave a positive impact upon the audience.
- 8. The speaker must have a presentable appearance while giving a presentation.
- 9. Try to gain and maintain audience interest by using positive quotes, humour, or remarkable fact.
Q2. Describe interpersonal communication with its characteristics.
- 1. Interpersonal communication refers to the sharing of information among people.
- 2. This form of communication is advantageous because direct and immediate feedback is possible. If a doubt occurs, it can be instantly clarified.
- 3. Interaction among friends and interaction with sales executives are examples of interpersonal communication.
Characteristics of interpersonal communication :
- 1. Interpersonal communication is continuous, we constantly share or send verbal and non-verbal messages.
- 2. Interpersonal communication is irreversible; once the exchange takes place , it can never be ignored or taken back.
- 3. Interpersonal communication is situated; it occurs within a specific communication setting that affects how the messages are produced, interpreted, and coordinated.
Q3. Define classroom presentation. Describe the tips to power up classroom presentation.
Ans. The classroom presentation is comprised of short discussions, demonstrations, and activities related to topic. The goal of a classroom presentation is to help in effectively conveying information in a way that allows listeners to remember what is said.
Tips to power up classroom presentations :
1. Use as many slides as needed:
- a. . It is a common myth that better presentations use fewer slides.
- b. This is simply not the case.
- c. Use as many slides as we need to make our point.
2. Minimize verbosity : Slide should contain less word with three to five sub-points.
3. Maximize visuals :
a. Photos, figures and icons work as visual memory triggers.
b. These visuals help the students to remember the information about the presentation.
4. Reduce redundant element : All redundant elements must be removed because it create distractions from the content of slides.
5. Highlight what you are talking about :
a. While presenting, students may be momentarily distracted taking notes, thinking about what we are saying, to reduce this one should highlight important point in the slide.
b. Animate and reveal parts of illustrations and graphs ( where possible) to build our story rather than showing everything at once.
c. Use bold type or different colors to highlight the keywords in any lengthy text.
Q4. Explain audience analysis with different factors.
Ans. Audience analysis involves identifying the audience and adapting a speech to their interests, level of understanding, attitudes, and beliefs.
Factors of audience analysis :
1. Audience expectations :
- a. When people become audience members in a speech situation, they bring with them expectations about the occasion, topic, and speaker.
- b. Violating audience expectations can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the speech.
2. Knowledge of topic :
- a. Audience knowledge of a topic can vary widely on any given occasion, therefore, communicators should find out what their audience already knows about the topic.
- b. Try to do some research to find out what the audience already knows about the topic.
- c. Giving a brief review of important terms and concepts is almost always appropriate, and can sometimes be done by acknowledging the heterogeneous audience and the importance of putting everyone on the same page.
3. Attitude toward topic : Knowing audience members attitudes about a topic will help a speaker determine the best way to reach their goals.
4. Audience size :
- a. Many elements of speech-making change in accordance with audience size.
- b. In general, the larger the audience the more formal the presentation should be.
- c. Sitting down and using common language when speaking to a group of 10 people is often quite appropriate.
- d. However, that style of presentation would probably be inappropriate or ineffective if we were speaking to 1,000 people.
- e. Large audiences often require that we use a microphone and speak from an elevated platform.
5. Demographics :
- a. The demographic factors of an audience include age, gender, religion, ethnic background, class, sexual orientation, occupation, education, group membership, and countless other categories.
- b. Since these categories often organize individual’s identities and experiences, a wise speaker attends to them.
6. Setting:
- a. The setting of a presentation can influence the ability to give a speech and the audience’s ability and desire to listen.
- b. Some of these factors are: the set-up of the room (both size and how the audience is arranged), time of day, temperature, external noises (traffic), internal noises (babies crying, hacking coughs), and type of space (church, schoolroom, outside).
7. Egocentrism :
- a. Most audience members are egocentric: they are generally most interested in things that directly affect them or their community.
- b. An effective speaker must be able to show their audience why the topic they are speaking on should be important to them.
Q5. What are the tips to overcome stage fear or stage fright?
Ans. Tips t o overcome the stage fear or stage fright :
- 1. Shift the focus and fear to the purpose such as contributing something of value to the audience.
- 2. Stop scaring with thoughts about what might go wrong. Instead, focus the attention on thoughts and images that are calming and reassuring.
- 3. Refuse t o think thoughts that create self-doubt and low confidence.
- 4. Practice ways t o calm and relax our mind and body, such as deep breathing, relaxation exercises, yoga, and meditation.
- 5. Exercise, eat well, and practice other healthful lifestyle habits. Try to limit caffeine sugar, and alcohol as much as possible.
- 6. Always focus on strength and ability to handle challenging situations.
- 7. Prepare the material in advance and read it aloud to hear your voice.
- 8. Make connections with the audience, smile and greet people, thinking of them as friends rather than enemies.
- 9. Stand or sit in a self-assured, confident posture. Remain warm and open and make eye contact.
Q6. Write a short note on audience participation : quizzes and interjection.
Ans. 1. An audience is a group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, literature, theatre, music, video games, or academics in any medium.
2. Audience members participate in different ways in different kinds of art; some events invite overt audience participation and others allowing only modest clapping, criticism and reception.
Quiz : A quiz is a game which can also be called a mind sport wherein the players, either as individuals or in teams attempt to answer questions posed to them correctly, in order to win a prize.
Various benefits of quiz competitions:
- 1. Quizzes can be conducted for different age groups and over varying cultures.
- 2. Quizzes improve or expanding one’s knowledge of things, either general or in specific area.
- 3. Quizzes are designed to promote, a fun way to study and is the process help to improve one’s general knowledge.
- 4. Quiz competitions enables students to think from different angles or simply to think out of the box.
- 5. It promotes a healthy debate amongst participants in order to learn from each other.
- 6. It helps in the team building process.
- 7. Provoking discussion and healthy debate amongst participating players/ teams .
- 8. Quiz competitions even help to build the student’s soft skills.
Interjection :
- 1. An interjection is one of the eight major parts of speech, along with verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions.
- 2. Interjections like ‘wow’ and ‘ouch’ are only designed to convey emotion in an abrupt and exclamatory way.
- 3. They express meaning or feeling in a word or two.
- 4. They do not relate grammatically to the other parts of the sentence, nor do they help the reader to understand the relationship between words and phrases in the sentence.
- 5. Interjections simply convey the way the author (or speaker) is feeling.
- 6. Interjections are rarely used in academic or formal writing; and more common in fiction or artistic writing.
- 7. A sample list of interjections includes words such as:
- a. Aha
- b. Boo
- c. Crud
- d Dang
- e. Eew
- f. Gosh
- g. Goodness

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