We’re here to look at the most essential questions and notes regarding universal human values that may appear in your next exams, such as Btech and MCA. This discussion is for UNIT-5 IMPLICATIONS OF THE ABOVE HOLISTIC UNDERSTANDING OF HARMONY ON PROFESSIONAL ETHICS.
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List some suggestions to make value education more effective in the present scenario.
Ans. Ways for Promoting Value Education:
1. Our educational system should make value orientation its primary focus. The entire society should be involved in providing value education. The emphasis should be on the student’s moral development.
2. Value education cannot be provided through a textbook, but it can be taught effectively through the inspiration and initiative of teachers. There are several approaches to providing students with value education. These are as follows.
3. Social and ethical values, examples from everyday situations, quotations from great thinkers, incidents and problems that develop value judgments in students, poems, religious stories, and so on can all be taught to students.
4. Yoga and other religious activities such as praying to God, doing community service, and so on can be taught to students in school. Group activities such as cleaning school camps, visiting slums, service campuses, hospital visits, and visits to places of worship of various faiths should be included as part of the content in value education.
5. ‘Personality Development Retreats’ could be held to help students develop self-control, punctuality, sharing and caring for others, cooperation, and so on.
6. The value-oriented educational program should take an integrated approach. There should be foundation courses in both secondary schools and universities that teach children about India, its people, and its cultural traditions.
7. Special schools for value-based education should be established. Every state should have at least one institution that can provide value-oriented education from kindergarten to graduate school.
8. Special teacher orientation programs should be implemented at the state level to train teachers in effective value development methods for students and teachers.
9. Television, which is popular among today’s youth, should be used to present value-based programs through skits, cartoon scripts, and other means. There is no need for special classroom lectures on moral value education. These values must be instilled through mutual interaction and communication.
10. It is never necessary to identify any specific religion or faith – god is one and we are all children of the same God – that is the fundamental lesson that must be taught.
What do you mean by the definitiveness of ethical human conduct? How can it be ensured?
Ans. Ethical Human Conduct: Ethical human behavior can be defined as the combination of values, policy, and character acquired through proper understanding and self-exploration. It is universal in nature and complements universal human values. It is also known as definite human behavior. When we gain the proper understanding, we can bridge the gap between our current behavior and ethical human behavior. We can say a person is conducting himself/herself ethically. Also when they:
1. Respect humanity, do not violate societal norms, do not steal or kill, and be truthful.
2. Do not have a conflict with the self “I” at an individual level.
3. When they have established correct understanding and are in accordance with the rest of the universe’s orders, such as essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land concern, safety, and so on.
4. Work towards the enrichment of the rest of nature.
But unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the definitiveness of ethical human conduct. It can be understood in terms of the following:
i. Values (Mulya): Values are the ability to live in accordance with universal human values or the participation of a unit in the larger order- its natural characteristics or svabhava. Values are a component of our ethical behavior.
ii. Policy (Niti): Policy is a decision (plan, program, implementation, results, and evaluation) regarding the enrichment, protection, and proper use of resources (self, body and wealth – mana, tana, and dhana).
iii. Character (Charitra): My living is defined by the definiteness of my desire, thought, and selection. The definiteness of my behavior and work results in the definiteness of my character.
5. Five values that are necessary for ethical human conduct are :
i. Love: Unconditional and unselfish care.
ii. Peace: Control the mind.
iii. Truth: Indispensable ethical discipline.
iv. Non-violence: It means respect for life and recognition of rights of others.
v. Right conduct: Truth in action is right conduct.
What are the reasons for unethical practices in the profession today? What is the real solution to the above problems? Give your opinion.
Ans. 1. The current driving ethos is focused on wealth accumulation and profit maximization. It is common to regard these as the parameters of happiness and prosperity.
2. Nowadays, people define pleasure as maximizing of sensory experience, therefore wealth accumulation is the driving force. The repercussions of this are dangerous.
3. The current trend is to have a limited perspective on the world and to prioritize personal interests over those of the global community and nature.
4. Some of the major unethical practices prevailing in today’s world are:
i. Corruption in many forms, including hawala and Benami business.
ii. Misappropriation of funds and tax evasion.
iii. Cutthroat competition and exploitation at various levels.
iv. Misleading propaganda by way of unethical advertisement.
v. Activities contributing to global warming and other natural disasters, like oil leakage in sea, the Bhopal gas tragedy, etc.
vi. Hunger, poverty, illiteracy.
vii. Endangering the health and public safety.
5. The negative effects of these activities are all around us. We can take some actions to control the out-of-control scenario. For example:
i. We must emphasize the value of professional ethics and raise awareness of them.
ii. Establish stronger codes of conduct for a certain profession and educate people that a profession is really a service.
iii. More monitoring initiatives should be set up by organizations.
iv. Promoting transparency in the systems.
v. Filing public interest litigations.
6. Only the measures indicated above will be able to stop the negative consequences. But only a shift in perspective can address the underlying cause of all these ills. To prevent individuals from adopting false perceptions of happiness and success, we must raise awareness. The only way to do this is to have the proper understanding.
What do you mean by competence in professional ethics? Elaborate with examples.
Ans. Competence in Professional Ethics :
1. Professional ethics refers to the growth of professional competence with moral behavior.
2. The only practical means of ensuring professional ethics is to develop ethical competence within the individual (profession). The long-term process of developing ethical competence can be accomplished by receiving the right value education. Proficiency in one’s career will only be a manifestation of one’s correct knowledge because it is merely a subset of one’s life activities.
3. The salient features characterizing this competence can be summarized as follows:
i. Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhan – Samndhi- Abhay – Sah-astitva and its fulfillment through universal human order.
ii. Confidence in oneself: Based on the right understanding of oneself and the rest of existence.
iii. Mutually fulfilling behavior: Clarity and assurance in the relationship between sustained individual happiness and wealth and moral behavior in society.
iv. Mutually enriching interaction with nature: The ability to analyze the family’s physical facility needs and provide for them through production methods that preserve harmony with nature. Self-sufficiency in meeting physical demands. One gains the ability to recognize and create appropriate (human- and environment-friendly) technologies, industrial methods, etc. in light of the aforementioned.
What are strategies for transition from the present state to the universal human order?
Ans. 1. Transition refers to a progressive improvement. We must work to improve the situation we are in now so that it will be to our advantage. Adequately realizing the necessity of self-exploration is the first step in change.
2. We now understand the importance of altering the prevailing worldview, which is built on material pleasures and sensory privileges. In order for a complete human aim to be adopted at all levels, the consumerist and profit-making attitude must be abandoned. This transition can be achieved by the following steps:
i. Promoting Mass Awareness and moving towards Humanistic Education: People need to be made aware of the necessity to pursue environmentally friendly practices in order for them to embrace this. Professionals like engineers, surgeons, and business managers should assume responsibility for stressing the value of professional ethics and human values. Journalists can contribute to raising awareness by writing about relevant topics.
ii. Developing a Holistic Model of Living: We must create integrated technologies, industrial systems, and management models in order to bring about this change. Engineers will bear a great deal of responsibility as a result. They can work to develop simple, affordable, effective, pollution-free, and renewable energy sources. Systems for production may be environmentally beneficial. It is possible to make the production processes safe for the environment, the workers, and the consumer. It is important to manage industrial waste carefully.
iii. Implementing Strict Policies and Social System: The foundation of the economic, social, and political systems should be the overarching human objective when properly understood. Legislators and public servants have the power to enact severe penalties for defaulters.
The issue we are having is a top priority for the entire world. Finding a solution slowly could put our own life in danger. If we put forth a concerted effort to alter human consciousness and concentrate on humanistic education and correct understanding, we ought to be able to improve the quality of life in this planet.
What do you mean by sustainable development? Discuss.
Ans. Sustainable Development:
1. The phrase “smart use of resources such that it meets the present demand without causing harm to future generations” is frequently used to describe sustainable development.
2. A variety of principles for sustainable development are determined by the state of the environment overall and the local ecology.
3. For instance, choosing a crop that is best suited for a specific season, soil, and water regime is part of sustainable agriculture.
4. It also makes use of organic manure and organic pesticides.
5. It has paved the way for a food production system that has the least impact on the environment.
6. Therefore, the ecological cycle serves as the foundation for sustainable development. It recognizes how dynamic ecosystems are.
7. Therefore, the ecological cycle serves as the foundation for sustainable development.
8. It realizes the dynamic nature of ecosystems.
9. The organizing principle of sustainable development is maintaining the capacity of natural systems to continue providing the natural resources and ecosystem services that are essential to the economy and society.
10. The ideal state of society is one in which living circumstances and resource utilization continue to satisfy human needs while maintaining the stability and integrity of the natural system.
11. Development that satisfies existing needs without sacrificing the capacity of future generations is referred to as sustainable development.

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Important Questions For Universal Human Values -B.Tech AKTU
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