What is Sanyam and Swasthya?
Sanyam and swasthya are related to each other but in beginning, we need to know Sanyam and swasthya separately which are described below 👇.
What exactly is Sanyam? (B.tech – Human Values)
In simpler terms, we may say, Sanyama, commonly known as self-regulation, is simply the Self's feelings of sensitivity to the body's desires for care, comfort, and proper use. Because the Body is an agent of the Self, it should be taken care of in order for it to carry out the Self's teachings.
What exactly is Swasthya? (B.tech – Human Values)
To put it simply, Swasthya or Health is a state/stage in which all of your body's physical components are functioning well.
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Sanyam (Self-Control) and Swasthya (Health) :
Sanyama is a Sanskrit term that refers to a sense of ownership (I)/self over the body and its proper care, defense, and use.
The ability to regulate one’s thoughts wants, drives, emotions, and delusions are known as sanyama. It is the control of the brain’s and senses’ outward tendency and their return to our inner feelings.
Swasthya is the stage of the body in which every portion of the body is functioning normally. Being rooted to the self, or being in intimate accord with the self, is what the term swasthya properly means.
In other terms, swasthya denotes self-sufficiency in Sanskrit (swa = your own). Its definition also includes health, well-being, comfort, and happiness.
As a result, we might argue that sanyam secures swasthya.
The body is positively impacted by proper understanding and sentiments.
For example, when I am joyful, my body temperature and pressure are normal; when I am furious or stressed, they get agitated. It implies that if I am in discord, such as rage, tension, or sorrow, it instantly has a negative impact on my body.
Program of Sanyam in Human Value
The self is responsible for the body’s nurture, protection, and correct utilization. This self must subscribe to certain procedures. We must try to understand the self-organization of the body and guarantee its health.
1. Nurturing of the Body:
Proper Food, Air, Water, Etc.: To ensure that the meal I choose for the body has all the necessary nutrients and energy, I must identify the components of a complete food. Food should be taken only when we are hungry, according to our knowledge of the harmony of the self with the body. Food must be chosen in such a way that it is quickly digested, and it must be consumed with ideal body posture and in the appropriate quantity.
2. Protection of the Body:
The second reason is body protection. The clothing we wear for protection must allow the body to interact properly with the surroundings. The optimum quantity of exposure of the body to the air, water, and sun is essential to guarantee its healthy functioning. To guarantee the Body’s health, we must take care of the following:
- Ahar-Vihar
- Shram-Vyayam
- Asana-Pranayam
- Aushadhi-Chikitsa are the four types of yoga.
We’ve previously addressed Ahar (Food), so let’s move on to the others:
a. Proper upkeep (Vihar) of the Body:
When we work, our bodies become tired. When we relax, our bodies grow more ready for work. But, once again, there is a limit to how much work and relaxation we can get in. We must also assure correct time, posture, and methods of working and resting. We must offer healthy conditions for the Body to work properly. These concerns are part of the Body’s maintenance.
b. Labour:
Another needed is labour. It requires physically utilizing the body for the development and repair of physical facilities. The work we undertake ensures that each part of the body functions appropriately.
c. Physical Exercises :
We understand the value of exercise. While working, many portions of the body may be overworked while others might not be. We can use exercises to work all of the parts of the body in the desired manner.
d. Asan-Pranayam:
The Body can keep working correctly in this method as well. We give the body suitable postures by sitting or sleeping in Asanas, and we regulate the breathing in Pranayam.
e. Treatment of the body:
Regardless of our best efforts, the body may require therapy at times. There are lots of techniques that may be used to guarantee this. It is possible that simply going without eating for a period of time may heal the body. Food selection might also assist. Treatment of the body can also be achieved by sufficient exposure to air, water, or sun. The use of herbs or medicines may also be beneficial. One point to note here is that the body’s function works in an inner manner, and I simply need to help that self-organization by arranging for real items. One thing to keep in mind is that when the Body is being cured of one disease, we need to choose ways that do not give rise to other problems.
Exam questions on this topic (Sanyam and Swasthya) :
- Define sanyam and swasthya. How are the two related?
- Define sanyam (self-control) and swasthya (health). Explain various responsibilities of ‘I’ for the ‘Body’ in brief.
- Suggest any two programs that you can undertake to improve the health of your body.
- How does the feeling of sanyam ensure the health of the body? List two programs of sanyam?

How are Sanyam And Swasthya related ?
Sanyam and swasthya are related to each other but in beginning, we need to know Sanyam and swasthya separately which are described above
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FAQ (Frequentily Asked Question)
What is Sanyam in human values?
Sanyama, also known as self-regulation, is simply the Self’s sentiments of sensitivity to the body’s wants for care, comfort, and right usage. Because the Body is an agent of the Self, it must be cared for so that it can carry out the Self’s instructions.
What exactly is Swasthya? in human values
To put it simply, Swasthya or Health is a state/stage in which all of your body’s physical components are functioning well.