With the help of Aktu Btech Quantum Notes, broaden your understanding of human-computer interaction. Exam success requires a thorough understanding of key ideas and frequently asked topics. Check out these important resources right away! Unit-4 Windows
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Q1. Discuss windows and its characteristics.
- 1. A window is a rectangular-shaped region of the screen surrounded by a border that contains a specific view of some area of the computer or some component of a person’s communication with the computer.
- 2. It can be moved and rendered on the screen independently.
- 3. A window can be small, holding only a short message or a single field, or big, taking up most or all of the available display area.
- 4. Within the bounds of a display, one, two, or more windows may be present.
- 5. A window is seen to possess the following characteristics:
- i. A name or title, allowing it to be identified.
- ii. A size in height and width (which can vary).
- iii. A state, whether accessible, active, or inaccessible. (Only active windows’ contents can be changed.)
- iv. Visibility (the section that can be seen) a window may be partially or completely concealed behind another window, or the information within a window may extend beyond the display area of the window.
- v. A position with respect to the display boundaries.
- vi. Presentation, or how the window is arranged in relation to other windows. It might be tiled, layered, or cascading.
- vii. Management capabilities, including techniques for manipulating the screen’s window.
- viii. The highlight, or the section that is chosen.
- ix. The function, task, or application to which it is dedicated.
Q2. Explain different window management schemes.
Ans. Microsoft windows provide following window management schemes:
- 1. Single-document interface:
- i. A single primary window can be used to establish the window interface.
- ii. Even though the object comprises several types, a single-document window design is sufficient when the object’s primary display or use is as a single unit, such as a folder or document.
- iii. The primary window in a single-document window design provides the principal view or work area.
- iv. Subsidiary windows can be used to provide other kinds of input as well as to see information about objects displayed in the primary window.
- 2. Multiple-document interface:
- i. When many views of an item or numerous documents must be seen at the same time, a multiple-document interface (MD) may be utilized.
- ii. The goal of this window approach is to provide several views of the same object, to allow comparisons between related objects, and to display multiple components of an application.
- iii. An MDI interface is made up of many document windows that can be easily moved about, effectively main windows that can only exist within the parent window’s boundary (instead of on the desktop).
- 3. Workbooks:
- i. A workbook is a method of managing a collection of views that employs the metaphor of a book or notebook.
- ii. Object views are shown in the form of sections within the workbook’s primary window rather than in independent child windows.
- iii. Tabs serve as a navigational interface for moving between parts.
- iv. Each tabbed area displays a data view. The table of contents for the workbook might be listed in one section.
- 4. Projects:
- i. A project is similar to a multiple-document interface (MDI), but the child windows are not visible.
- ii. It allows objects represented by icons to be opened into primary windows that are peers with the parent window.
- iii. Opened peer windows in the project do not share the parent window’s menu bar or other regions.
- iv. Each peer window that is opened within the project must have its own menu bar and other interface elements.
Ans. Website navigation problems:
- 1. Technical issues:
- i. Unlike a graphical system application, which has screens that run in an ordered and predictable fashion, a web application is made up of pages, each of which can theoretically be linked to any other page in the application.
- ii. The graphical application user typically starts a procedure at a predetermined point and proceeds progressively until the process or job is completed.
- iii. Online users can do jobs or satisfy demands at their leisure, effortlessly moving between most screens in the application’s “spider web” in any sequence wanted, and even jumping to other spider webs when the desire arises.
- 2. Usage problems:
- i. The two most severe user problems in web navigation are the high mental loads required to navigate the web and the frequent experience of spatial disorientation.
- ii. The cognitive or mental overhead that the user must exert in deciding which links to follow or abandon might be daunting.
- iii. There are sometimes too many connections on a page, many of which have unclear meanings.
- iv. Links usually provide little hints as to where they lead, how much information is available at the other end, and how this information relates to the currently shown page.
- v. Each link’s relevance to the work at hand must be evaluated for the user to attain a goal.
Q4. Discuss the findings to select the proper device-based controls.
Ans. Significant findings to select the proper device-based controls include the following:
Keyboard versus mouse:
- i. Typists prefer a keyboard to a mouse because of speed.
- ii. An skilled typist has memorized the placement of keyboard keys via kinesthetic memory.
- iii. The keying procedure becomes extremely rapid and intuitive.
- iv. The mouse is slower and tends to move around the desk. Its position is impossible to recall.
- v. The keyboard keys always remain in the same spot.
Control research: A survey of the research literature comparing and evaluating different devices yields the following summarization concerning tasks involving pointing and dragging:
- i. The technologies that allow direct pointing, such as the touch screen and light pen, are the fastest tools for pointing at stationary targets on screens.
- ii. The indirect pointing devices the mouse, trackball, and graphic tablet do not differ significantly in terms of positioning speed and accuracy for stationary targets.
- iii. A separate confirmation operation that must be performed after pointer positioning improves pointing accuracy but decreases speed. For jobs requiring this confirmation, the mouse provides a particularly effective design arrangement.
- iv. The mouse, trackball, and graphic tablet are recommended over the touch screen and light pen for tracking small, slowly moving targets since the latter may obstruct the user’s view of the target.
Q5. Discuss the guidelines for selecting proper device-based controls.
Ans. Guidelines for selecting the proper device-based control:
- 1. Task characteristics:
- i. When traversing through structured arrays of a few discrete objects, keyboards (cursor control keys) are usually faster.
- ii. Other pointing devices make graphical and drawing jobs easier and faster. To point, select, draw, drag, or track, use a mouse, joystick, trackball, or graphic tablet.
- iii. Use touch screens when training opportunities are limited; targets are large, discrete, and dispersed; frequency of usage is low; desk space is limited; and little or no text input is required.
- 2. User characteristics and preferences:
- i. Provide keyboards for touch typists.
- ii. While preferences do not always correspond to performance, it is important that the user be comfortable with the selected device.
- 3. Environmental characteristics:
- i. The device should fit easily into the work environment.
- ii. If desk space is necessary, does it exist and is it large enough.
- 4. Hardware characteristics:
- i. Is the device itself of a quality that permits easy performance of all the necessary tasks.
- ii. Joysticks, for example, are quite variable in their movement capabilities.
Q6. Explain design process for icons.
Ans. The design process:
- 1. Define purpose:
- i. Before beginning the design process, describe the icon’s function and use.
- ii. Have the design team brainstorm potential ideas, taking into account real-world metaphors.
- iii. Basic metaphors, analogies, or models with a limited number of concepts are the ideal places to start when creating icons.
- 2. Collect, evaluate, and sketch ideas:
- i. Start by designing on paper, not on the computer.
- ii. Ask everyone to sketch his or her ideas.
- iii. Do not worry about too much detail; exact pixel requirements are not necessary at this time.
- 3. Draw in black and white:
- i. Many icons will be displayed in monochrome.
- ii. Color is an enhancing property; consider it as such.
- 4. Test for expectation, recognition, and learning:
- i. Selecting the items and actions, as well as the symbols to depict them, is a time-consuming and difficult task.
- ii. Like with any screen design activity, proper testing and possible image refinement must be integrated into the design process.
- iii. Icon recognition and learning should be assessed as part of the standard testing procedure.
- 5. Test for legibility:
- i. Check the overall legibility and clarity of the icons. Additionally, check the legibility of the icons on the chosen screen backgrounds.
- ii. White or grey backdrops may cause problems.
- iii. A color-mapped icon may not present itself satisfactorily when presented on a monochrome screen.
- iv. Plan on redoing it in black and white if required.
- 6. Register new icons in the systems registry:
- i. Create and maintain a registry of all system icons.
- ii. Provide a detailed and distinctive description of all new icons.

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