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Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems – 2021-22 AKTU with solutions.

Here we are providing the last year question paper for Basic Signals and Systems – 2021-22 AKTU with solutions. I hope this article helps you in your upcoming exams.

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Important Questions For Basic Signals and Systems : 
*Unit-01     *Unit-02    
*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Section A: Short Question in Basic Signals and Systems

a. Define CT signals.

Ans. Continuous-time (CT) signals are those that are defined for every instant of time.  

b. Define unit step, ramp and delta functions for CT. 

1. Unit step: It is defined as 

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

2. Unit ramp: It is defined as

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

3. Unit impulse (Delta function): It is defined as

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

c. Define odd and even signal.

Ans. A continuous-time signal x(t) is said to be even if

                              x(-t) = x(t)                     ;          for all t

x(t) is said to be odd if

                             x(-t) = -x(t)                     ;          for all t  

d. Define linear and non-linear systems.

Ans. A. Linear system : A linear system is one that complies with the superposition and homogeneity principles.

B. Non-linear system: A non-linear system is one that deviates from the superposition and homogeneity principles.  

e. Define time invariant and time varying systems.  

Ans.  A. Time invariant system: A system is considered time invariant if its input/output properties do not alter over time. 

B. Time varying system: If a system’s input/output properties fluctuate with time, it is said to be time varying. 

f. Define static and dynamic system. 

Ans. A. Static system: If a system responds solely to current input, it is said to be static.

B. Dynamic system: If a system’s response is based on current or historical inputs, it is said to be dynamic.

g. Check whether the given system is causal and stable 

y(n) = 3x(n – 2) + 3x(n + 2).  

Ans. Since y(n) depends upon x(n + 2), this system is noncausal. As long as x(n-2) and x(n +2) are bounded, the output y(n) will be bounded. Hence this system is stable.  

h. What is the Laplace transform of e-at sin ωt u(t) ? 


Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

i. A signal x(t) = cos 2兀 ft is passed through a device whose input-output is related by y(t) = x2 (t). What are the frequency components in the output ? 


Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

The frequency components at the output are 0 Hz (i.e., DC) and 2f Hz.

j. Define the Fourier transform pair for continuous time signal. 

Ans. Fourier transform:

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Inverse Fourier transform:

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Section B: Important Long Questions Paper With Solutions.

a. i. Obtain the Fourier transform of x(t) = e-atu(t), a > 0. 

ii. Find the Laplace transform of signal u(t). 

iii. Find the Laplace transform of the signal. 

              x(t) = – te-2t u(t) 

iv. List some properties of continuous-time Fourier transform 

Ans.  i. Obtain the Fourier transform of x(t) = e-atu(t), a > 0. 

List some properties of continuous-time Fourier transform

ii.Laplace transform of signal u(t). 

List some properties of continuous-time Fourier transform

iii. Laplace transform of the signal  x(t) = – te-2t u(t) 

List some properties of continuous-time Fourier transform

iv. Properties of fourier transform : 

  • 1. Duality
  • 2. Time shifting
  • 3. Frequency shifting 
  • 4. Scaling
  • 5. Linearity
  • 6. Time differentiation
  • 7. Time integration

b. i. What are the properties of convolution ?

ii. Find the unit step response of the system given by  

              h(t) = (1/RC).e-t/RC u(t)

Ans. i. Properties of convolution:  

1. Commutative property: The commutative property of convolution states that   

Find the unit step response of the system given by

2. Distributive property: The distributive property of convolution states that 

Find the unit step response of the system given by

3. Associative property: The associative property of convolution states that

Find the unit step response of the system given by

4. Shift property: The shift property of convolution states that

 Shift property:

5. Convolution with an impulse: Convolution of a signal x(t) with a unit impulse is the signal itself, i.e.,  

Convolution with an impulse:

6. Width property: Let the duration of x1(t) and x2(t) be T1 and T2 respectively. Then the duration of the signal obtained by convolving x1(t) and x2(t) is T1 +T2.

7. Differentiation property: 

According to the differentiation property, 

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

8. Time-scaling property: 

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

ii. Numerical: 

1.  h(t) = (1/RC).e-t/RC u(t)

2. The step response can be obtained from impulse response as

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

c. i. What is the transfer function of a system whose poles are  at – 0.3 ± j 0.4 and a zero at – 0.2 ?  

ii. Give the Existence of DTFT. 

Ans. i. Transfer function of a system :

1. Poles are at     Z= -0.3 ± j0.4,

2. Denominator polynomial

                        = Z-[-0.3 + j0.4)] [Z -(-0.3 – j.04)] 

3. Zero at           Z = -0.2

4. Numerator polynomial 

                             = Z + 0.2

5. The transfer function is given by  

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions
Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

ii. Existence of DTFT: Since the DTFT is given as

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

The X(Ω) can exist only if x[n] is absolutely summable.

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

d. Calculate the initial and final values of the functions x1(t), x2(t), whose Laplace transforms are specified below:

Calculate the initial and final values of the functions x1(t), x2(t), whose Laplace transforms are specified below:


Calculate the initial and final values of the functions x1(t), x2(t), whose Laplace transforms are specified below:
Calculate the initial and final values of the functions x1(t), x2(t), whose Laplace transforms are specified below:
Calculate the initial and final values of the functions x1(t), x2(t), whose Laplace transforms are specified below:

e. i. What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties. 

ii. State and prove time shifting and differentiation properties of Z-transform. 

Ans. i. A. Initial value theorem: The initial value theorem of Z-transform states that, for a causal signal x [n]

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties


1. For a causal signal

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties

2. Taking the limit z → ∞  on both sides, we have

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties

3. This theorem helps us to find the initial value of x[n] from X(z) without taking its inverse Z-transform. 

B. Final value Theorem: For a causal signal, the Z-ultimate transform’s value theorem asserts that.

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties

and if X(z) has no poles outside the unit circle, and it has no double or higher order poles on the unit circle centered at the origin of the z-plane, then 

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties


1. For a causal signal

What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties
What do you mean by state transition matrix ? State and prove its properties

5. This theorem enables us to find the steady-state value of x[n], i.e. x(∞) without taking the inverse Z-transform of X(z). 

ii. A. Time shifting property: 

Time shifting property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

B. Differentiation property: 

Differentiation property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Section C : Question with solution in Basic Signals and Systems

a. Determine if systems with the following impulse responses:

i. h(t) = δ(t- 2), 

ii. h(t) = δ(t) – δ(t – 2), are invertible. 

Ans. i.                                      h(t) = δ(t- 2)

A system is called invertible if it produces distinct output signals for distinct input signals

Determine if systems with the following impulse responses

So the given system is invertible.  

ii.                                              h(t) = δ(t) – δ(t – 2)

Determine if systems with the following impulse responses

So the given system is invertible. 

b. Calculate the inverse Laplace transform of right-sided sequences with the following transfer functions : 

Calculate the inverse Laplace transform of right-sided sequences with the following transfer functions : 


Calculate the inverse Laplace transform of right-sided sequences with the following transfer functions : 
Calculate the inverse Laplace transform of right-sided sequences with the following transfer functions : 

Part 2 : Important Question in Choice (Attempt only One)

a. Calculate the unilateral Laplace transform for the following functions: 

i. Unit impulse function, x1 (t) = δ(t); 

ii. Unit step function, x2 (t) = u(t)  

Ans. i. Unit impulse: δ(t)

Unit impulse: δ(t) Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

ii. Unit Step: u(t) 

Unit Step: u(t in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

b. Calculate the Fourier transform of the following functions :  

i. Unit impulse sequence,x1[k] = δ[k]; 

ii. Decaying exponential sequence, x3[k] = pku[k] with |p| < 1. 

Ans. i. Unit impulse sequence: 

Unit impulse sequence in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

ii. Decaying exponential sequence: 

Decaying exponential sequence in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Part 3: Important Question (Attempt any One)

a. Calculate the trigonometric CTFS coefficients of the periodic signal x(t) defined over one period T0= 3 as follows : 

Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal

Ans. 1.Since x(t) has a fundamental period, T0 =3 and fundamental frequency,  

Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal
Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal
Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal
Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal

b. Calculate the CTFS coefficients for the following signal. 

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Ans. 1.

2. Rewriting the given equation in terms of complex exponentials.

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

4. Thus, the fourier series coefficient for this x(t) are,

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Part 4. Attempt any one following question

a. Consider the system 

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Determine (i) the impulse response (ii) the zero-state step response. 


 (i) the impulse response (ii) the zero-state step response
 (i) the impulse response (ii) the zero-state step response
 (i) the impulse response (ii) the zero-state step response

b. A signal has Laplace transform     

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Find the Laplace transform Y(s), of the following signals

i. y(t) = tx(t) 

ii. y(t) = e-t x(t)


 A signal has Laplace transform     

Part 5. Attempt any one

a. For the given mechanical system draw the equivalent circuit using F-V and F-I analogy.

Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

Ans. 1. Mechanical equivalent circuit : 

mechanical system draw the equivalent circuit using F-V and F-I analogy.
mechanical system draw the equivalent circuit using F-V and F-I analogy.
mechanical system draw the equivalent circuit using F-V and F-I analogy.

b. What do you mean by the existence of Fourier series ? And explain properties of Fourier series. 

Ans. A.  Existence of Fourier series (Dirichlet’s condition):

  • 1. Dirichlet’s conditions are the circumstances in which a periodic signal can be represented by a Fourier series.
  • 2. They are as follows:   
    • i. The function x(t) must only have one value.
    • ii. Only a finite number of maxima and minima exist for the function x(t). 
    • iii. There are a finite number of discontinuities in the function x(t).
    • iv. The function x(t) is absolutely integrable over one period, that is

B. Properties of Fourier series: 

1. Linearity property: 

The linearity property states that, if

Linearity property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

2. Time shifting property: 

The time shifting property states that, if

Time shifting property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

3. Time reversal property: 

The time reversal property states that, if 

Time reversal property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

4. Time scaling property: 

The time scaling property states that, if

Time scaling property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

5. Time differentiation property: 

The time differentiation property states that, if 

Time differentiation property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions

6. Time integration property: 

The time integration property states that,if 

 Time integration property in Question Paper Basic Signals and Systems - 2021-22 AKTU with solutions
bachelor exam preparation all question paper with solution important questions with solution

Basic Signal And System Quantum, Syllabus, Important Questions

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