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UNIT-5 : ITERATORS & RECURSION | Python Programming Important Questions

In this session, we are discussing UNIT-5: ITERATORS & RECURSION | Python Programming important questions with solutions. Hope this session will help you in your upcoming python programming exams.

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Important Questions For Python Programming: 
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*Unit-03    *Unit-04 
*Unit-05    *Short-Q/Ans
*Question-Paper with solution 21-22 

Q1. Explain Tower of Hanoi problem in detail OR  Explain iterator. Write a program to demonstrate the Tower of Hanoi using function.



  1. An iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values. 
  2. An iterator is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that we can traverse through all the values.
  3. Python iterator, implicitly implemented in constructs like for-loops, comprehensions, and python generators.
  4. Python lists, tuples, dictionary and sets are all examples of in-built iterators.
  5. These types are iterators because they implement following methods:
    1. __iter: This method is called on initialization of an iterator. This should return an object that has a next() method.
    2. next() (or_next_): The iterator next method should return the next value for the iterable. When an iterator is used with a ‘for in’ loop, the for loop implicitly calls next() on the iterator object. This method should raise a StopIteration to signal the end of the iteration. 
    3. For example:

Tower of Hanoi problem :

  1. Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle which consists of three rods and a number of disks of different sizes, which can slide onto any rod. 
  2. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape.
  3. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules:
    1. Only one disk can be moved at a time.
    2. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack.
    3. A disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.
    4. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
    5. 3 Dick

Q2.Differentiate between recursion and iteration. OR Discuss and differentiate iterators and recursion. Write a program for recursive Fibonacci series.


DefinitionFunction calls itselfA set of instruction repeatedly executed.
ApplicationFor functionsFor Loops
TerminationThrough base case, where there will be no function callWhen the termination condition for the iterator ceases to be satisfied
Usage Used when code size need to be small and time complexity is not an issueUsed when time complexity needs to be balanced against an expanded code size
Code size Smaller code sizeLarger code size
Time complexity Very high (generally exponential) time complexityRelatively Lower time complexity (generally polynomial logarithmic)
StackThe stack is used to store the set of new local variables and parameters each time the function is called.Does not use stack
OverheadRecursion possesses the overhead of repeated function callsNo overhead of repeated function call
SpeedSlow in execution Fast in execution

Q3.Define recursion. Also, give example.


  1. In Python, recursion occurs when a function is defined by itself.
  2. When a function calls itself, directly or indirectly, then it is called a recursive function and this phenomenon is known as recursion.
  3. Recursion is the property how we write a function. A function which performs the same task can be written either in a recursive form or in an iterative form.
  4. Recursion is the process of repeating something self-similar way.
  5. For example:

Q4. Discuss sorting and merging. Explain different types of sorting with example. Write a Python program for Sieve of Eratosthenes.]



  1. Sorting refers to arranging data in a particular order.
  2. Most common orders are in numerical or lexicographical order.
  3. The importance of sorting lies in the fact that data searching can be optimized to a very high level, if data is stored in a sorted manner.
  4.  Sorting is also used to represent data in more readable formats. 


  1. Merging is defined as the process of creating a sorted list/array of data items from two other sorted array/list of data items.
  2. Merge list means to merge two sorted list into one list.

Code for merging two lists and sort it :

a=[ ] 

c=[ ]

Different types of sorting are:

  • Bubble sort: It is a comparison-based algorithm in which each pair of adjacent elements is compared and the elements are swapped if they are not in order.
  • Merge sort: 
    • Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It divides input array in two halves, calls itself for the two halves and then merges the two sorted halves.
    • The merge() function is used for merging two halves.
    • The merge(arr, l, m, r) is key process that assumes that arr[l..m] and arr[m+1..r] are sorted and merges the two sorted sub-arrays into one.
  • Selection sort:
    • The selection sort algorithm sorts an array by repeatedly finding the smallest element (considering ascending order) from unsorted list and swapping it with the first element of the list.
    • The algorithm maintains two sub-arrays in a given array:
      • The sub-array which is already sorted.
      • Remaining sub-array which is unsorted.
    • In every iteration of selection sort, the smallest element from the unsorted sub-array is picked and moved to the sorted sub-array.
  • Higher order sort:
    • Python also supports higher order functions, meaning that functions can accept other functions as arguments and return functions to the caller.
    • Sorting of higher order functions:
      • In order to defined non-default sorting in Python, both the sorted() function and .sort() method accept a key argument.
      • The value passed to this argument needs to be a function object that returns the sorting key for any item in the list or iterable.
    •  For example: Consider the given list of tuples, Python will sort by default on the first value in each tuple. In order to sort on a different element from each tuple, a function can be passed that returns that element.
  • Insertion sort:
    • Insertion sort involves finding the right place for a given element in a sorted list. So in beginning we compare the first two elements and sort them by comparing them.
    • Then we pick the third element and find its proper position among the previous two sorted elements.
    • This way we gradually go on adding more elements to the already sorted list by putting them in their proper position.


Q5. Discuss binary search in Python.


  1. Binary search follows a divide and conquer approach. It is faster than linear search but requires that the array be sorted before the algorithm is executed.
  2. Binary search looks for a particular item by comparing the middle most item of the collection. If a match occurs, then the index of item is returned. 
  3. If the middle item is greater than the item, then the item is searched in the sub-array to the left of the middle item.
  4. Otherwise, the item is searched for in the sub-array to the right of the middle item.
  5. This process continues on the sub-array as well until the size of the sub-array reduces to zero.
  6. Code:

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