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Discrete Structures & Theory of Logics unit1

SETS, FUNCTIONS, AND NATURAL NUMBERS UNIT 01 in Discrete Structures Btech AKTU covers sets, functions,

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Discrete Structures & Theory of Logics

Hello, there! This site is jam-packed with fast questions for Discrete structures and theory of

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Discrete Structures and Theory of Logics

The Discrete Structures and Theory of Logics course includes key ideas in computer science and

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FLUID MECHANICS Important short question

Calculate the discharge of water flowing through a pipe of 30 cm diameter placed in an inclined position where a venturi meter is inserted, having throat diameter of 15 cm. The difference of pressure between the main and the throat is measured by a liquid of specific gravity 0.6 in an inverted U-tube which gives a reading of 30cm

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For Btech AKTU students, this blog contains crucial questions and answers on Unit 5 –

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Unit 4 will acquaint you with the fascinating field of fluid mechanics by digging into

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Unit 3 of Fluid Mechanics addresses POTENTIAL FLOW, which is an important topic in understanding

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Unit 2 of Fluid Mechanics Ideal and real fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, compressible and

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